A Spotify based music player for small children.
Still in concept phase
There exist some great devices which enable small children to select and play their music and audio plays independent of adults - e.g. Tonies Box. However, those devices usually cost a lot per episode (10-15 €). At the same time, the same family often has a Spotify premium account which gives access to a nearly unlimited amount of audio play episodes.
This project aims at providing a simple method for children, to listen to Spotify audio plays. The Spotify music, audio plays, playlists, ... are identified via a QR code, that can easily generated and printed on a piece of paper or cardboard (obviously the card is printed with nice descriptive colourful figures that identify the content - otherwise your kids won't like it). The QR code is placed in front of a Raspberry with a camera that reads the QR code and starts playback. For play/pause /next/previous some buttons can be connected via GPIO.
- pip3 install --upgrade spotify-cli
- pip3 install opencv-contrib-python
- pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==
- curl -sL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/install.sh | sh
- Add username/pwd to enable visibility of device
- Start SpotiPiKids
- Current implementation allows injecting shell commands via QR code - this is a horrible horrible security issue! I will think about a decent implementation if this project becomes relevant.