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This tool is intended to be used for generate skeletons of verilog projects. We define skeletons as verilog files witout any logic except interconexions amoung them. This allow us to enforce name conventions, code style and
reduce tedious code replication and human error.
Our lenguaje allows to write a single file that generates all the basic files of the project. (modules, top, definition files & TB).
Our compiler will not generate logic, just instances of the modules, inputs and outputs, wire connexions, and comments.
Generated output files enforce coding style conventions instead of relay on the programer.
We understand that each programer or organization will have their own preferences regarding coding conventions, We will offer more flexibility in the future.
For now generated code follows the following rules:
Inputs are postfixed with _i, Outputs are postfixed with _o ex:input clk_i,
Wires that conect two modules are postfixed with the name of the modules that connect. ex: wire rdy_a_d; // wiring between rdy_o of module a and clk_i of module d
Defines are written in capital letters.
Module names are in lowercase letters and with underscores between words. ex: module simple_example #(
Parameters are written without underscores and only the first letter of each word is capital. ex:TransAddrSize
Project defines will be placed in to a file called "defines.vh"
All the files have five regions a File description, Headers, Modules, Generated logic and Handcrafted logic
``` //----------------------------------------------------- // Project Name : // Function : // Coder : // References : //***Headers*** //***Module*** //***Interal code generated by compiler*** //***Handcrafted code*** ```
- "//": One line comment
- "/ * My comment */": Multiline comment
- $ * $: Multi line verilog dump
- "module": starts definition of a module
- "in":input of a module
- "out":Output of a module
- "`define": Define that will be translated to Verilog
- "#define": Define for pseudo code, it will not be transalted
- "#function": Field of each module. Short description of function
- "#description": Field of each module. Detailed description
- "#coder": Assigned programer
- "#references": References to help understand your design
- "true":Bool state
- "false":Bool state
- "wire": Connexion between modules
- "vwire": Create a verilog wire that can be acces from verilog and skeletor
- "->": Assign connections between ports and wires
- "top": Top module of your project
- "+" {return ret(opas);}
- "-" {return ret(opas);}
- "++" {return ret(opasinc);}
- "--" {return ret(opasinc);}
- "(" {return ret(parl);}
- ")" {return ret(parr);}
- ";" {return ret(pyc);}
- ":" {return ret(twopoints);}
- "~" {return ret(nyooperator);}
- "," {return ret(coma);}
- "==" {return ret(oprel);}
- "!=" {return ret(oprel);}
- "<" {return ret(oprel);}
- ">" {return ret(oprel);}
- "<=" {return ret(oprel);}
- ">=" {return ret(oprel);}
- "*" {return ret(opmd);}
- "/" {return ret(opmd);}
- "=" {return ret(opasig);}
- "[" {return ret(bral);}
- "]" {return ret(brar);}
- "{" {return ret(cbl);}
- "}" {return ret(cbr);}
- "&" {return ret(amp);}
- "&&" {return ret(ybool);}
- "||" {return ret(obool);}
- "!" {return ret(nobool);}
- "int" {return ret(inttype);}
- "inout" {return ret(inouttype);}
By usign as reference the file test_basic
First we have the defines that are going to be transalted to verilog. All this defines will be placed in a header file.
`define T_ADDR_SIZE 32
`define ADDR_SIZE 32
Next we have defines that will be used in the pseudocode, it allows to write descriptions of that are called more than once, as workers or References
#define N 2
#define GENERALDESCIPTION "This is a detailed explanation use several lines to explain everything. You will forget how smart you where when coding this module"
#define WORKER1 "G.Cabo"
#define GENRALREFERENCE "https://github.com/jaquerinte/MA\_2019.git"
Next we have instances of modules. We have to start with the ones that are not the top file, think about them as a a definition of a class. This modules shall be defined before instancde them.
module a (TransAddrSize, AddrSize){
#function "AND current addr_i with previous addr_i"
#coder WORKER1
in clk;
in rts;
in [AddrSize -1 : 0] addr;
out [TransAddrSize-1: 0] taddr;
out rdy;
Module definition starts with Module, next we have the name and parameters. The paramaters have a default value of 0, but a value can be specified as in the following example. In this case the default value of TransAddrSize is defined by T_ADDR_SIZE that is a verilog constant.
module top simple\_example(TransAddrSize = T\_ADDR\_SIZE, AddrSize = ADDR\_SIZE){
We open the body of the module with brackets. Inside of it we can specify the values for #function, #description, #coder, #references. This values will be transalted to comments in the generated code. Is not mandatory to fill them but it is recommended.
Next we have the inputs and outputs of the module. Prefixes and posfixes will be added by the compiler. To keep naming conventions use only lower case for the names. Size of the inputs or outputs can be specified as you would do it in verilog, and `defines or parameters of the module can be used.
#function "AND current addr\_i with previous addr\_i"
#coder WORKER1
in clk;
in rts;
in [AddrSize -1 : 0] addr;
out [TransAddrSize-1: 0] taddr;
Finally we have the top of the project. This module has the aditional keyword top. Despite that, the same rules as normal module definitions apply.
module top simple_example(TransAddrSize = T_ADDR_SIZE, AddrSize = ADDR_SIZE){
#function "Module to provide a reference output"
#coder WORKER1
in clk;
in rts;
in [AddrSize -1 : 0] addr;
out [TransAddrSize-1: 0] taddr;
out rdy;
a:x(TransAddrSize, AddrSize){
in clk = in clk,
in rts = in rts,
in addr = in addr
b:y(TransAddrSize, AddrSize){
in rstn = in rts,
in clk = in clk,
in addr = in addr,
out taddr = out taddr
in rts = in rts,
in clk = in clk
out out1 = out rdy
wire [TransAddrSize-1:0] x.taddr -> y.taddr;
wire x.rdy -> w.in1;
wire y.rdy -> w.in2;
wire z.rdy -> w.in3;
In the previous pice of code two new functionalities of this lenguaje have been introduced. Let's start with instances.
Instances generate a new module inside the definition of a module. Instances may have a different name that the one of the module definition. Paramaters of the modules can be used when instantiated. Valid values for a parameter of an instance are pseudocode defines, verilog defines, integers or parameters of the parent module. If the parameter is empty the default values will be used.
in rts = in rts,
in clk = in clk
Parameters can be defined by position or by name
a:x(TransAddrSize = 32, AddrSize = 64){
in clk = in clk,
in rts = in rts,
in addr = in addr
Inputs and outputs that are connected to the parent module shall be specified in the instance. The compiler will check that the type of connection is allowed. Note that the last input of the instance does not have , at the end.
in rts = in rts,
in clk = in clk
Finally, wires connect inputs and outputs between instances. The port on the left side of the -> shall be the driver and the one at the right the driven.
wire [TransAddrSize-1:0] x.taddr -> y.taddr;
wire x.rdy -> w.in1;
wire y.rdy -> w.in2;
wire z.rdy -> w.in3;
I.Rodriguez G.Cabo J.Barrera J.Giesen