This library enables us to observe userDefaults easily. It can be managed in Package.swift or Xcode project.
In order to observe userDefaults, we have to define properties with @UserDefaultsEntry
macro in an extension of ObservableUserDefaults
import ObservableUserDefaults
import ObservableUserDefaultsMacros
extension ObservableUserDefaults {
// If no argument is passed, the property name `count` is used as a userDefaults key name.
@UserDefaultsEntry var count = 0
// If a string is passed, it is used as a userDefaults key name.
@UserDefaultsEntry("namedTitle") var title: String?
A view model is implemented like the following code:
import ObservableUserDefaults
import ObservableUserDefaultsMacros
// Attach `@ObservableWithUserDefaults` to an observed class, instead of `@Observation`.
// Note: APIs in Observation like `@ObservationTracked` and `@ObservationIgnored` still can be used.
final class ContentViewModel {
// Attach `@UserDefaultsTracked` to a variable to track with userDefaults.
@UserDefaultsTracked(\.count) var count: Int
@UserDefaultsTracked(\.title) var title: String?
// Attach `@ObservedUserDefaults` to a variable with type `ObservableUserDefaults`.
var observableUserDefaults: ObservableUserDefaults = .standard
If we want to observe a custom type with saving userDefaults, it is enough making the type conform to UserDefaultsValueConvertible
protocol, like the following code:
extension CustomString: UserDefaultsValueConvertible {
init(userDefaultsValue: String) {
self = CustomString(userDefaultsValue)
var userDefaultsValue: String {
extension ObservableUserDefaults {
@UserDefaultsEntry var customString = CustomString("")
Make sure that xcodegen has been installed, and run the following commands.
$ cd Example
$ xcodegen
$ open ObservableUserDefaultsExample.xcodeproj
You can run the example app by Xcode.
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
- Create unit tests
- Add documentation comments
- Implement cancellation of observation tasks