Metodo-de-Biseccion Public
Este programa aproxima las raíces de una función mediante el método de bisección utilizando un intervalo de inicio [a, b]
microfrontends Public
Example App with Microfrontends in React, Vue and Single-SPA 🚀 This is a sample project that demonstrates how to build a modular and scalable web application using Microfrontends architecture with …
React-Sidebar-example Public
This project serves as an example implementation of a sidebar using Material UI, a popular React component library. The sidebar is a common user interface element used in web applications to provid…
This code serves as an illustrative example of building an API using Python and Flask. It showcases the implementation of an API for managing a To-Do List, demonstrating fundamental CRUD operations…
Little example of API with node and Angular
Little example of how to use API REST with Node JS and React Native
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2023 -
cognitolab Public
This repository content a template for cloudForm, that allow build the following services: s3 bucket, api gateway and cognito user pool. In another hand, this template show a example the how to use…
Bash script to import multiple SQL files from command line in MySQL
Hashmap-example-Javascript Public
Using a hashmap instead of nested conditionals allows to have a clean and more readable code, in this repository I share an example of how to use a hashmap to call different methods according to th…
In this reprositorio the CLAHE technique (Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) is presented, in the area of image processing one of the most used functions is the enhancement contrast,…
PDFObject Public
Forked from pipwerks/PDFObjectA lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 7, 2021 -
In this repository you will find an implementation in matlab to pass an RGB image to HSI and from HSI to RGB.
BisectionMethod-Python Public
The bisection method is based on the mean value theorem and assumes that f (a) and f (b) have opposite signs. Basically, the method involves repeatedly halving the subintervals of [a, b] and in eac…
In this program the Newton-Raphson method is implemented to approximate the roots of a real function.
Newton-Raphson-method- Public
In this program the Newton-Raphson method is implemented to approximate the roots of a real function.
Cifrado-Cesar Public
Este repositorio contiene la implemetación del cifrador cesar.
This program generates random variables using the Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses, based on a mean frequency of occurrence, the …
Suma-de-matrices Public
Programa en C++ para sumar dos matrices
Forked from CristhianM01/VIDEO-JUEGO-NAVES-JAVASCRIPTJavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2020 -
In this project, the implementation of a calculator of the ohms value of a resistor is made from the color bands.
perceptron-single-layer Public
Python implementation of the simple perceptron or also known as a single-layer neural network, is a binary classification algorithm by Frank Rosenblatt based on the neural model of Warren McCulloch…
Comparte tu conexión Wifi usando un QR. En este proyecto, se utiliza la librería qrcode de Python para generar un código QR con la información necesaria para realizar automáticamente la conexión de…
In this project, I present crud for solving quadratic equations developed using HTML, CSS, and PHP. For the solution of the quadratic equations the general formula. Check the video tutorial.
data_struct_in_c_example Public
This an example of how to use data structs in c language. In this example, a departmental store is shown. the example allows to users select products from a category. In addition, at the end of the…
MVC_example Public
This is a basic example of MVC (Model, View, and controller). In this example we used an MVC to perform an operation mathematic basic, that is, the view on this example allows the user perform a mu…
tetris-python Public
Forked from JoseSoto9305/tetris-pythonA tetris implementation with python
simplewatermarking Public
In this project, a simple watermarking system for spread spectrum audio is developed using the FFT transformation to insert the data into the signal host. The system is designed to resist the probl…
Implementation of the knn algorithm to generate decision regions using the Iris dataset.