The goals of this config are to
- Use the straight package manager to manage packages, including cloning and building repositories.
- Break up my emacs config into reusable parts
- Be usable from any linux computer without hassle.
- Inconsolata LGC font
- Fira Mono font
- ccls language server
- Use use-package for every package loaded
- Every package can be fetched from github (or another source defined by straight) that is to say, :straight should not be nil for any package except ones that are part of emacs.
- If the configuration of a package takes more than ten lines, add an auxilary package called +[package_name] that contains the configuration
- :defer when possible, :demand otherwise (but never leave that unspecified)
- Edit ~/.emacs.d/straight/build/etoile/ and not the ~/.emacs.d/ itself!
Make sure you have no ~/.emacs file:
mv ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.backup
Stow away your .emacs.d
mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d.old
Clone this repository
cd ~/
git clone
Finally, to install:
mkdir ~/.emacs.d
ln -s $HOME/etoile-emacs/init.el $HOME/.emacs.d/init.el
(It should take quite a bit of time to install.)