- Total of 4 notebooks, each for different parts of the project
- Notebooks has different sections to organize codes
- Contains the code used to generate text transcripts using HuBERT
Install dependencies: Install openSMILE
File preprocessing functions Change labels to integer
Functions to extract features: Functions extract eGeMAPS features
Extracting features: Extracting eGeMAPS features and saving to a csv file
Load features and data preprocessing: Loading features from csv file and performing normalization
Machine Learning classifiers: This section has functions to train different classifiers with 10 fold grid search cv (Decision Tree, Decision Tree Bagger, Random Forest, Random Forest Bagger, Support Vector, Logistic Regression)
Neural Network: This section contains codes used to create the 4-layer network and do 10 fold grid search cv
Load text transcripts: Load the generated text transcripts
Data Preprocessing: Text data preprocessing, to lowercase all text
Doc2Vec: Contains codes used to perform grid search 10 fold cross validation for machine learning classifiers and a neural network using Doc2Vec embeddings
BERT: Contains codes to load BERT model, extract embeddings, training and tuning of neural network model
Load pre-trained text model: Loading the text data and some preprocessing, and loading the text model
Load pre-trained audio model: Loading audio data and audio model
Get audio and text inputs: More data preprocessing and to get audio and text data inputs
Bilinear Pooling: Has classes to create a bilinear pooling layer, function to create the bilinear pooling model, and training of the model with 10 fold cv
Concatenation: Has function to create the model with concatenate layer and training of the model with 10 fold cv