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Pollution Effects

Artem Khrapov edited this page Jan 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Pollution Effects

PollutionEffectsConfig determines which effects will be active and under what conditions.

Pollution Effects in the chunk can be detected in the game by Pollution Analyzer.

If you want to disable an effect remove the corresponding entry from PollutionEffectsConfig.

You also may change PollutionEffectsConfig entries to rebalance the effects. But if you just add an effect to the config it will not work without an implementation.

If you want PollutionEffectsConfig to stop updating change the "version" property to "custom".

PollutionEffectsConfig is located at (minecraft_location)/config/ecomod/PollutionEffects.json

Pollution Effect Structure

  1. id
  2. header - An unlocalized name
  3. description - An unlocalized description
  4. icon - A 50x50 png icon ResourceLocation for rendering in Analyzer or "null"
  5. triggering_type - (AND, OR) Defines that PollutionEffect is being triggered whether all chunk pollution types are greater than triggering pollution ones or when one of chunk pollution types is greater than the corresponding triggering one.
  6. triggerring_pollution

The default list of pollution effects can be found at:

1.12 -

1.11 -

1.10 -

1.7 -

Default Effects

  • Food Pollution Dropped food items and crop drops are absorbing pollution from the environment unless they're isolated. When eaten these items will cause bad potion effects.

  • Smog Pollution in the air, when combined with water particles, forms a dense fog which poisons living creatures. To prevent poisoning put on a respirator. Make sure you have filters!

  • Bad Sleep Because of air pollution sleeping makes you sick.

  • Poisonous Sleep When sleeping you can be poisoned by the polluted air.

  • Extinction of Fish Because of the pollution fish cannot live in the water. Fishing is futile.

  • Leafless Trees Because of strong pollution, tree leaves deteriorate and decay.

  • Deforestation Saplings can grow into trees no more in this region.

  • Acid Rain The rain mixed with pollution produces an acid rain. When raining it will poison any living creature if the one isn't wearing a helmet(helmet is damaged instead). Also, the rain dissolves leaves and farmland.

  • Wasteland The area turns into the lifeless wasteland, grass turn into dirt and sand, the biome color changes to dark, entities defined as "creature" or "water creature" can no longer spawn there.

  • Barren Soil Because soil pollution is too great, soil deteriorates. Thus the dirt cannot be plowed and farmland turns into dirt.

  • Extinction of Animals Because of harsh environmental conditions animals can spawn no more.

  • Bonemeal no more works Because soil is oversaturated with poisonous substances fertilizers do not have an effect.

  • No crops growth Crops can grow no more here, but you still can fertilize them with bonemeal unless you have a bonemeal restricting effect.

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