Alpha version
oorja is a quick to use video/voice chat application with realtime collaborative features. Visit to see it in action.
There is a concept of mini-applications called tabs each of which add a unique capability to the room. They are loaded dynamically with a click of a button
Code editor for quick snippets. Synced realtime between all participants
Chat, simple and private. supports some markdown as well
Quillpad, a synced rich text editor
All video and voice comms are encrypted. None of the data in your tabs is stored on the server; it gets synced from one participants browser to another 🔮. There are no ads or tracking on this website.
oorja is built with React, WebRTC, Meteor and Elixir. It is extensible by design. The tabs are react components which utilize a simple but powerful mini-api (using props and some event listeners) to add more capabilities to the room on demand.
- This project uses some of the latest technologies in modern web browsers namely WebRTC that enables p2p communication (It may not be supported in your browser eg. safari). Use Chrome or Firefox
- If you are using chrome you will need to install the screensharing extension to be able to share your screen.
oorja is a personal project. It would be splendid if you could contribute towards financing its server and development costs.
oorja source code is public and free for personal use. Copyright © 2018 Akshay Kumar [email protected]
You are welcome to contribute! In order to do so please go through the following docs in the given order. Also, It's quite easy to make tabs (you only need to know some react, which can itself be picked up in a weekend).
You can reach me at [email protected] or Twitter
Hi, My name is Akshay Kumar and I am a product engineer. Visit my website to know more