Component | Model |
CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 2700 |
MotherBoard | ASUS ROG Strix X470-F BIOS V5603 |
OS Disk (NVMe) | 2x WD 500GB NVMe M.2 SSD |
RAM | 4x 16gb Corsair Vengeance Pro 64GB Ram |
GPU | Sapphire Radeon Nitro+ RX 580 |
Bluetooth | BCM94360CD Native Airport WiFi BT 4.0 |
Liquid Cooler | Corsair h100i Pro |
WiFi & Bluetooth | Fenvi FV-T919 |
- High Sierra (10.13.x)
- Mojave (10.14.x)
- Catalina (10.15.x)
- Big Sur (10.16/11.0)
- Monterey (12.x)
You CAN NOT use SMBIOS from this repository, it MUST be unique for every macOS installation
To fix Adobe copy and paste this into a terminal enter password if it asks
If it still keeps crashing read this Guide
for file in MMXCore FastCore TextModel libiomp5.dylib libtbb.dylib libtbbmalloc.dylib; do
find /Applications/Adobe* -type f -name $file | while read -r FILE; do
sudo -v
echo "found $FILE"
[[ ! -f ${FILE}.back ]] && sudo cp -f $FILE ${FILE}.back || sudo cp -f ${FILE}.back $FILE
echo $FILE | grep libiomp5 >/dev/null
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
dir=$(dirname "$FILE")
[[ ! -f ${HOME}/libiomp5.dylib ]] && cd $HOME && curl -sO
echo -n "replacing " && sudo cp -vf ${HOME}/libiomp5.dylib $dir && echo
rm -f ${HOME}/libiomp5.dylib
echo $FILE | grep TextModel >/dev/null
[[ $? == 0 ]] && echo "emptying $FILE" && sudo echo -n >$FILE && continue
echo "patching $FILE \n"
sudo perl -i -pe 's|\x90\x90\x90\x90\x56\xE8\x6A\x00|\x90\x90\x90\x90\x56\xE8\x3A\x00|sg' $FILE
sudo perl -i -pe 's|\x90\x90\x90\x90\x56\xE8\x4A\x00|\x90\x90\x90\x90\x56\xE8\x1A\x00|sg' $FILE
- [Bootloader] OpenCore
- [Resources] Picker GUI
- [Patch] AMD_Vanilla
- [Driver] OpenRuntime
- [Driver] OpenCanopy
- [Driver] HFSPlus
- [Kext] Lilu
- [Kext] VirtualSMC
- [Kext] WhateverGreen
- [Kext] AppleALC
- [Kext] RealtekRTL8111
- [Kext] AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement
- [Kext] AppleMCEReporterDisabler
- Apple for macOS
- AMD-OSX Developers for kernel patches for AMD CPUs
- Acidanthera for OpenCore and most of used kexts
- Trulyspinach for Ryzen power management and monitoring kexts
- Mieze for RealtekRTL8111 kext
- Dortania for OpenCore configuration guides
- XLNC for Adobe patches for AMD CPUs
- AMD-OSX Community for support while making my Hackintosh
- Messaging
- iCloud
- Handoff
- AirDrop
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
- Ethernet