This project is the introduction to the Java world at 42 Silicon Valley. The goal was to implement an aircraft simulation program based on the provided UML class diagram.
The program takes one argument from the command line. This argument represents the name of a text file that will contain the scenario that needs to be simulated. Executing the program will generate a file simulation.txt
that describes the outcome of the simulation.
The first line of the scenario file contains a positive integer number. This number represents the number of times a weather change is triggered. Each following line describes an aircraft that will be part of the simulation, with this format:
There are 4 types of weather:
There are 3 types of aircraft:
- JetPlane
- Helicopter
- Balloon
Each aircraft has its own behavior when changing weather conditions.
Coordinates are positive numbers.
The height is in the 0-100 range.
If an aircraft needs to pass the upper limit height it remains at 100.
Each time an aircraft is created, it receives a unique ID. There can’t be 2 aircrafts with the same ID.
If an aircraft reaches height 0 or needs to go below it, the aircraft lands, unregisters from the weather tower and logs its current coordinates.
When a weather change occurs, each aircraft type needs to log a message. The message format is:
Each time an aircraft registers or unregisters to/from the weather tower, a message will be logged.
find . -name "*.java" > sources.txt
javac -d bin -sourcepath src/com/avaj/ @sources.txt
java -cp bin com.avaj.AvajLauncher [scenario.txt]
Example of scenario file:
Example of result of simulation: