Simple data store that saves the data into zipped flat files.
- Small API with basic functionality that is needed for handling CRUD operations.
- Thread-safe.
- Works with strongly typed data
- Data is stored in separated binary files
- Easy to initialize
- Fast
- Self-contained
- In-memory db
- Easy to edit
- Good choice for small apps and prototyping
- .NET Standard 2.0
- .NET Core 3.1 & .NET Framework 4.8
You can install the latest version via NuGet.
# Package Manager
PM> Install-Package KekeDataStore.Json -Version
> dotnet add package KekeDataStore.Json --version
# PackageReference
<PackageReference Include="KekeDataStore.Json" Version="" />
Data is stored as a Key-Value so each class Entity that you want to be saved in the store, must implement IBaseEntity.cs
interface from KekeDataStore.Json
// IBaseEntity.cs
namespace KekeDataStore.Json
public interface IBaseEntity
Guid Id { get; set; }
//Entity (Model)
public class Contact : IBaseEntity
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Person Person { get; set; }
public Phone Phone { get; set; }
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class Phone
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public PhoneType Type { get; set; }
public enum PhoneType : byte
You can initialize an instance in your method like:
// a file with the file name 'Contacts.bin' will be generated automatically by default, on client's root directory
var dataStore = new JsonDataStore<Contact>();
You can manually specify the file path like:
// the first parameter specifies the directory path of the file that will be created
//and the second the name of the 'dbname'.bin file which will be created if it doesn't exists already.
var dataStore = new JsonDataStore<Contact>(dirPath: @"..\..\Some\Path", dbName: "TestTable");
// When class instatiated like this, the first parameter will take the directory path
// and the file name will be generated by the Entity class in plurar. For ex. in this case 'Contacts.bin'
var dataStore = new JsonDataStore<Contact>(dirPath: @"..\..\Some\Path")
using KekeDataStore.Json;
// Open database (create new file in the bin/Debug directory called "Contacts.bin")
var dataStore = new JsonDataStore<Contact>();
// Create new contact instance
var contact = new Contact { Person = new Person { FirstName = "Skerdi", LastName = "Berberi" },
Phone = new Phone { PhoneNumber = "0684555555", Type = PhoneType.HOME } };
// Insert new contact
// Id is generated automatically when it's not specified
// Update contact
contact.Person.FirstName = "TestFirstName";
// Updates the element and then returns the updated element
var updatedContact = dataStore.Update(contact.Id.ToString(), contact);
// Save data to binary file. If you never call SaveChanges() you can use the api like an in-memory database
// Get all items in the store
var allcontacts = dataStore.GetAll();
// Get all items with strategy design pattern
// the example below shows that you can use it for search functionality
var contactsWithPredicate = dataStore.Get(x => x.Person.FirstName.Contains("Sk"));
// Get element by Id (Key)
var contactById = dataStore.GetById(contact.Id.ToString());
// Gets single item, with predicate. If the predicate returns more than a single value, it throws an error.
var singleContact = dataStore.GetSingle(x => x.Id == new Guid("bba9dcb0-563e-42b6-a2ff-6554ebba87f2"));
// Orders contacts by person's first name in ascending order, then by lastname ascending
var orderedContacts = dataStore.AsQueryable().OrderBy("Person.FirstName").ThenBy("Person.LastName");
// Orders contacts by person's last name in descending order, then it sorts by firstname descending
var orderedContacts = dataStore.AsQueryable().OrderByDescending("Person.LastName").ThenBy("Person.FirstName");
// Use LINQ to query items, also you can use LINQ with GetAll, Get ...
var queryContacts = dataStore.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Person.FirstName == "Skerdi");
// Removes the item from the store
var deleteContact = dataStore.Delete(contact.Id.ToString());
// Removes all items
This library was inspired by ttu/json-flatfile-datastore
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Licensed under the MIT License.