Short for "Branch Release" - this is a CLI that allows you to create releases
off any branch and either merge back into that branch or into a different
branch. It allows you to follow the git-flow
methodology if you want to but
also allows you the freedom to create release versions on different branches
without merging into main
This project extends the commit-and-tag-version project. So it uses their versioning and bumping logic, but builds a workflow on top of it.
To install this package, you can pull the tar
files from the
releases page, or you can use
Homebrew (which is much easier):
brew install kerren/brrelease-tap/brrelease
Here's a video on how to use the CLI for different workflows,
You can do single branch workflows or multibranch workflows. For a single branch your git commit graph would look something like this:
For a multi-branch workflow, your git graph would look something like this:
Check out the release command below for more information on how to use it!
$ npm install -g brrelease
$ brrelease COMMAND
running command...
$ brrelease (--version)
brrelease/1.14.3 linux-x64 node-v23.5.0
$ brrelease --help [COMMAND]
$ brrelease COMMAND
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ brrelease autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL (zsh|bash|powershell) Shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ brrelease autocomplete
$ brrelease autocomplete bash
$ brrelease autocomplete zsh
$ brrelease autocomplete powershell
$ brrelease autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
Display help for brrelease.
$ brrelease help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for brrelease.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Run a release on the branch that you're on
$ brrelease release [-P <value>] [-G <value>] [-R <value>] [-c <value>] [-C] [--changelog-commit-message
<value>] [-r <value>...] [-m <value>] [-b <value>] [--bump-files-commit-message <value>] [-p <value>...] [-B
<value>...] [-u <value>...] [--release-as major|minor|patch] [--first-release] [--prerelease <value>] [-s] [-A]
-A, --auto-push Automatically push the branches and tag once the release has
been merged (this is more for convenience)
-B, --bump-file=<value>... The files where the version should be bumped with out the
previous version being considered (see
-C, --skip-changelog Skip writing to a changelog file
-G, --git-binary-path=<value> [default: git] The path to the git binary (default is "git"
since it assumes it is globally accessible)
-P, --tag-prefix=<value> [default: v] The prefix that should be before the number on
the tag made in git (default is "v")
-R, --release-branch-prefix=<value> [default: release/] The prefix that is used to create release
branches (default is "release/")
-b, --merge-into-branch=<value> If you would like the release to merge into a different
branch, specify it here. The default is the current branch
you're on. Please note that this branch will be merged into
the branch you're on after the release runs to ensure the
changelog generates correctly.
-c, --changelog-file-path=<value> [default:] The path to the file that the
changelog should be written to
-m, --run-script-during-release-commit-message=<value> [default: chore: generate the release file changes] The commit
message that should be used to commit the changed files that
occur after running the custom release job
-p, --package-file=<value>... [default: package.json] The package files that should be used
to determine the current version of the project (see
-r, --run-script-during-release=<value>... One or many scripts that should be run during the release,
it's recommended that you make these npm scripts and they
don't contain the '"' character
-s, --[no-]sign Sign the git commits
-u, --updater=<value>... The updater files/scripts that should run during execution
--bump-files-commit-message=<value> [default: chore: bump the version in project files] The commit
message to use when bumping the version in files
--changelog-commit-message=<value> [default: chore: generate the changelog] The commit message
that should be used to commit the changelog file
--first-release If this is the first release being created (see
--prerelease=<value> The prerelease prefix that should be used if necessary (see
--release-as=<option> Specify the type of release (see
<options: major|minor|patch>
Run a release on the branch that you're on
$ brrelease release
$ brrelease release --release-as=major
$ brrelease release --merge-into-branch=main
$ brrelease release --merge-into-branch=main --run-script-during-release="npm run update-readme"
$ brrelease release --merge-into-branch=main --run-script-during-release="npm run update-readme" --run-script-during-release="echo $(date) > .latest-build-time"
$ brrelease release --prerelease=beta --skip-changelog
$ brrelease release --package-file=package.json --bump-file=package-lock.json --bump-file=.versionrc
See code: src/commands/release.ts
In order to get the other libraries to work the way I wanted, I needed to use
patches on the node_modules
libraries installed. I thought that the
script would run on my library when you npm install
it, but it
looks like it skips that lifecycle hook. So I've had to create full builds for
this and rather provide other ways of installing!