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khaled-alshamaa authored Apr 21, 2019
1 parent e72efbb commit 2949b11
Showing 1 changed file with 283 additions and 0 deletions.
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# @author Khaled Al-Shamaa <[email protected]>
# @version 2.0 <last update July 14, 2012>
# @copyright 2010-2019, ICARDA
# @license GPLv3

# Get input FASTA file name as an argument from command line call
$filename = $ARGV[0];

# Script parameters
$min_base = 2;
$max_base = 6;
$min_repeat = 2;
$max_split = 3;
$max_comp = 6;
$max_error_ratio = 0.10;

# Open FASTA file for read
print "Unable to open $filename: $!\n";
exit 1;

# Output header
push(@lines, "Filename\t$filename\n");
push(@lines, "Minimum base length\t$min_base\n");
push(@lines, "Maximum base length\t$max_base\n");
push(@lines, "Minimum repeats\t$min_repeat\n");
push(@lines, "Maximum split length\t$max_split\n");
push(@lines, "Maximum compound split\t$max_comp\n");
push(@lines, "Maximum error ratio\t$max_error_ratio\n");

push(@lines, "ID\tCategory\tBase\tStart\tEnd\tLength\tType\tError\tSSR\n");

# Read FASTA file contents

# Is it a header line?

# If there is previous sequence then process it
if ($seq) {

# Read sequence name and clear the sequence string
$id = substr($_, 1, index($_, "\n")-1);
$seq = '';

} else {

# Accumulate sequence string
$seq .= $_;


# Process the last sequence


# Print out results
foreach $line (@lines) {
#print $line;
if ($line =~ m/(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t\%(.+)\t(.+)\n$/ ) {
$id = $1;
$motif = $3;
$start = $4;
$end = $5;

$motif =~ s/[\[\]]//g;
$motif =~ s/\|/ /g;

print "$id\t$motif\t$start\t$end\n";

# Clean end of script
exit 0;

sub find_ssr {
$prev_position = 0;
$prev_length = 0;

# The main regular expression which search for SSR in the given sequence
while ($seq =~ m/(([ATCG]{$min_base,$max_base})(.{0,$max_split}\2){$min_repeat,})/g) {

$position = length($`);
$length = length($&);

$ssr = $1;
$base = $2;

# Remove repeated nucleotides to find out error ratio
$mutations = $ssr;
$mutations =~ s/$base//g;
$error_ratio = length($mutations)/$length;

if ($error_ratio > 0) {
$chk_seq = $ssr;

for ($x=$min_base; $x<=$max_base; $x++) {
if ($chk_seq =~ m/(([ATCG]{$x})(.{0,$max_split}\2){$min_repeat,})/) {
$chk_ssr = $1;
$chk_base = $2;
$chk_length = length($&);

$mutations = $ssr;
$mutations =~ s/$chk_base//g;
$chk_ratio = length($mutations)/$length;

if ($chk_ratio < $error_ratio) {
$base = $chk_base;
$ssr = $chk_ssr;
$length = $chk_length;
$error_ratio = $chk_ratio;

# If the microsatellite motifs fit the regular expression of SSR but error
# ratio still exceed accepted threshold then try to cut one nucleotide from
# the candidate SSR and try to check it again
while ($error_ratio > $max_error_ratio && length($ssr) > $min_repeat*$min_base) {

$sub_seq = substr $ssr, 1;

if ($sub_seq =~ m/(([ATCG]{$min_base,$max_base})(.{0,$max_split}\2){$min_repeat,})/){

$position = $position + length($`);
$length = length($&);

$ssr = $1;
$base = $2;

$mutations = $ssr;
$mutations =~ s/$base//g;

$error_ratio = length($mutations)/$length;
} else {
$ssr = $sub_seq;

if (length($base) == 6) {
# Simplify hexa- repeats to di- or tri- if possible
if ($base =~ m/(.{2})\1\1/) {
$base = $1;
} elsif ($base =~ m/(.{3})\1/) {
$base = $1;
} elsif(length($base) == 4) {
# Simplify tetra- repeats to di- if possible
if ($base =~ m/(.{2})\1/) {
$base = $1;

# If the percentage of non-repeated nucleotides within accepted limits
if ($error_ratio <= $max_error_ratio) {
# Write down detected SSR information into output stack

if ($ssr =~ m/^($base)+$/ ) {
$is_perfect = "Perfect";
} else {
$is_perfect = "Imperfect";

$err = sprintf "%.2f", $error_ratio*100;
$end = $position + $length;

if (!($base =~ m/^([ATCG])\1{1,$max_base}$/)) {
push(@lines, "$id\tSimple\t$base\t$position\t$end\t$length\t$is_perfect\t\%$err\t$ssr\n");

# Check for possible compound SSR cases when new simple SSR start
# within accepted length of nucleotides between stretches of
# microsatellite
if ($prev_position > 0 && $prev_position+$prev_length+$max_comp > $position) {

$chk_max = length($base);
$is_same = 'no';

for ($split=1; $split<=$chk_max; $split++){
$a = substr($base, 0, $split);
$b = substr($base, $split);
$c = $b . $a;
if ($c eq $prev_base) {
$is_same = 'yes';

$total_length = $position + $length - $prev_position;
$comp_ssr = substr $seq, $prev_position, $total_length;
$end = $prev_position + $total_length;

if ($is_same eq 'yes') {

$mutations = $comp_ssr;
$mutations =~ s/$prev_base//g;
$error_ratio = length($mutations)/$total_length;
$err = sprintf "%.2f", $error_ratio*100;

$is_perfect = "Imperfect";
$category = "Simple";
$show_base = $prev_base;

} else {

$mutations = $comp_ssr;
$mutations =~ s/$base//g;
$mutations =~ s/$prev_base//g;
$error_ratio = length($mutations)/$total_length;
$err = sprintf "%.2f", $error_ratio*100;

if ($comp_ssr =~ m/^($prev_base)+($base)+$/ ) {
$is_perfect = "Perfect";
} else {
$is_perfect = "Imperfect";

$category = "Compound";
$show_base = "[$prev_base|$base]";

# Remove the previous two simple SSR to be replaced by this new
# compound SSR
pop @lines;

# Handle the issue of Compound in previous SSR
$temp = pop @lines;
if ($temp =~ m/\tCompound\t\[(.+)\]\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t(.+)\t\%(.+)\t(.+)\n$/ ) {
# Append current base name to the compound list
$show_base = '[' . $1 . '|' . $base . ']';

# Start from beginning of previous compound
$prev_position = $2;

# Total length is current simple SSR end - previous compound
# SSR beginning
$total_length = $end - $prev_position;

# Actual number of mutations in previous compound SSR is: compound
# SSR length x error ration / 100
$prev_mutations = $4 * $6 / 100;

# Actual number of mutations in the appended simple SSR is:
# length of appended stretch (end of current simple SSR -
# end of the previous compound SSR) * current simple SSR
# error ration / 100
$current_mutations = ($end - $3) * $err / 100;

# Calculate new mutations ratio (i.e. total) by add the
# number of mutations in previous compound SSR to the
# mutations of current simple SSR including nucleotides
# between stretches then divided total by total length of
# new compound SSR

if ($mutations_ratio == 0) {
$is_perfect = "Perfect";
} else {
$is_perfect = "Imperfect";

$err = sprintf "%.2f", $mutations_ratio*100;
$comp_ssr = substr $seq, $prev_position, $total_length;

push(@lines, "$id\t$category\t$show_base\t$prev_position\t$end\t$total_length\t$is_perfect\t\%$err\t$comp_ssr\n");

$prev_position = $position;
$prev_length = $length;
$prev_base = $base;

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