- Minor bug fixes.
- Enable custom materials in xrtQook.
- Add hyperbolic (oes.HyperbolicMirrorParam) and hyperboloid
(oes.HyperboloidCapillaryMirror) mirrors with focusing test scripts
`test_param_mirror.py` and `test_hyperboloid_tube_mirror.py`.
- Add an example for applying a slope error map to a parametric mirror
- Major rebuild of the documentation on
`Read the Docs <http://xrt.readthedocs.io>`_ due to changed software
requirements on readthedocs.io.
- Add in-plane rotation to :meth:`Crystal.get_amplitude_pytte()`.
- Major update of :ref:`Tests of Materials <tests_materials>`. Add
:ref:`Bent crystals: comparison tests for pyTTE backends <tests_pytte>`.