Releases: kmoulins/Midinous_tools
the program has been refactored so it can run on linux and windows, there's 3 distributions:
windows-x64 : windows-only, smaller download
linux-x64 : linux-only, doesn't require .net framework. (executable is midinous_tools_avalonia.Desktop, use chmod +x midinous_tools_avalonia.Desktop
to make it executable and after that ./midinous_tools_avalonia.Desktop
portable : framework 7.0, run on linux using dotnet ./midinous_tools_avalonia.Desktop.dll
it should also run on other platforms that support .net 7 like osx (mac) and windows/linux on arm, but that's untested.
linux releases require libgtk
on ubuntu : sudo apt install dotnet-runtime-7.0 libgtk-3-common -y
(if you're using the linux release you shouldn't need to install dotnet)
as always, this is alpha and stuff can and will break, save to a new file if you don't wanna lose your savefile
Expect bugs, always save as a copy
you have to load a file to be able to generate polygons.
you can fix a file with a broken Ids by regenerating the Ids.
targets .Net 8.0, probably downgradable if needed, please contact me if it's an issue.