Growatt-server is a Perl script used for Growatt solar inverters with ShineWiFi-X modules. Growatt-server can be used to communicate with a solar inverter, decode energy data, and publish these data via MQTT.
git clone
cd Growatt-server
If not done before, you need to install some modules
sudo cpanm Net::MQTT::Simple
sudo cpanm Net::MQTT::Constants
sudo cpanm Data::Hexify
sudo cpanm Proc::Daemon
First, you need to use the Growatt WiFi module administrative interface, go to the "Advanced Setting" and change "Server Address" (default: to the name or ip of the system running this script. You will also need to configure the computer running this script with a static IP address.
See AP-Mode manual
Start the script:
For debugging add --debug=N (N: 1-4) parameter:
perl --debug=3
To run the script 24x7 as a service, you can use the growattserver.service config for systemd.
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp growattserver.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable growattserver
sudo systemctl start growattserver
- Growatt MIC-600TL-X Inverter
- Growatt ShineWiFI-X - WiFi-Stick.
This project is licensed under MIT.