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Oauth2 authentication and user tracking middleware for http4s.

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Oauth2 authentication and user tracking middleware for http4s.

User authentication and user tracking are two orthogonal concerns that yet often need to be handled together. This tiny library offers help with both.


Read how to use doorman or jump right to the demo

Add dependency "com.akolov" %% "doorman" % "0.3.3".

User tracking

Your web site may want to offer services to not authenticated users. As a user returns to the site, he will find the resources as he left them at his previous visit. If the user decides to authenticate at some stage, he keeps his identity, enriching it with some attributes like name, email etc.

Doorman offers AuthMiddleware to track users with a cookie. It builds AuthedRequest, giving the application access to the user identity. Non-logged users have identities too.

There is also a weaker version of the middleware: UserTrackingMiddleware. The user is tracked with a cookie, but the endpoint that does not need a user information gets a Request, not an AuthedRequest. It is useful when tools outside of the application need user tracking cookie. Forget about if yo don't need that.

To use the any middleware, provide a UserManager:

val myUserManager = new UserManager[F, AppUser] {

  /** Create a new non-authenticated user */
  override def create: F[AppUser] = ???

  /** Marshall User to a cookie */
  override def userToCookie(user: AppUser): String = ???

  /** Unmarshall cookie to User */
  override def cookieToUser(cookie: String): F[Option[AppUser]] = ???

// myUserManager: AnyRef with UserManager[F, AppUser] = repl.Session$App$$anon$1@3ca9c607

Given a UserManager, Doorman provides DoormanAuthMiddleware and DoormanTrackingMiddleware:

class DemoService[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](userManager: UserManager[F, AppUser])
  extends Http4sDsl[F] {

    val cookieConfig = CookieConfig(name = "demo-user", path = Some("/"))
    val auth = DoormanAuthMiddleware(userManager, cookieConfig)
    val track = DoormanTrackingMiddleware(userManager, cookieConfig)
    val routes = auth(
      AuthedRoutes.of[AppUser, F] {
        case GET -> Root / "userinfo"  as user =>
         Ok(s"Hello, $user")

val service = new DemoService(myUserManager)
// service: DemoService[F] = repl.Session$App$DemoService@314228e0

When the endpoint is hit, the request will be analyzed by the UserManager and the endpoint function will receive either the user from the cookie, if one exists, or a newly created user. In the case of a new user, a cookie will be set in the response.


Doorman needs a configuration for every OAuth2 provider:

case class OAuthProviderConfig(
     userAuthorizationUri: String,
     accessTokenUri: String,
     userInfoUri: String,
     clientId: String,
     clientSecret: String,
     scope: List[String],
     redirectUrl: String

Given a configuration, OauthEndpoints provides handlers for the OAuth endpoints: login and callback. login constructs a login URL based on the configuration. It is up to the application set up a login endpoint that redirects the user to this URL. callback handles th OAuth callback after successful authentication. It first retrieves an access token, than user details. It is up to the application to handle the OAuth2 user data.

trait OauthEndpoints[F[_]] {

  // Builds a url to redirect the user to for authentication
  def login(config: OAuthProviderConfig): Option[Uri]

  // handles the OAuth2 callback
  def callback(config: OAuthProviderConfig,
                 code: String,
                 client: Client[F]): F[Either[DoormanError, UserData]]

val endpoints = OAuthEndpoints[IO]()
// endpoints: AnyRef with OAuthEndpoints[IO] with Http4sDsl[IO] with client.dsl.Http4sClientDsl[IO] = com.akolov.doorman.core.OAuthEndpoints$$anon$1@ee16b36

See the demo application for an example how to tie all together.


A simple application with user tracking and OAuth2. User is tracked with a JWT cookie. It has been tested with fake-oauth2-server and Google OAuth2


Start a server with:

docker run -p 8282:8282 --name fakeoauth -e PERMITTED_REDIRECT_URLS=http://localhost:8080/oauth/login/fake pkbdev/fake-oauth2-server

To run the demo: sbt demo/run and point your browser to http://localhost:8080.

The demo works with the fake provider running at localhost:8282.

Google OAuth2

To run the demo, you need to setup your OAuth2 with Google, then privide configuration viq the environment variables OAUTH2_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH2_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET and OAUTH2_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL (see application.conf)

Developer's notes

set -x GPG_TTY (tty)
sbt '+ publishSigned'
sbt sonatypeReleaseAll

sbt '++2.12.10! docs/mdoc'


Oauth2 authentication and user tracking middleware for http4s.






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