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The LAGO Project The LAGO EASY suite

COPYRIGHT (C) 2012-Today, The LAGO Project,
CONTACT [email protected]
DESCRIPTION The LAGO project deploys and operates a network of water Cherenkov detectors (WCD) with a unified data structure. Here you will find the latest stable (prod) version of the detector simulation tools of the LAGO project
CONTRIBUTORS If you want to contribute to this project please send us an email
FILE ENCODING UTF8 (please use iconv -f YOUR_ENCODING -t UTF-8 file_to_convert > converted_file before to push)
LANGUAGE English (preferred)
INDENT STYLE Stroustrup using 1 tab for 4 columns wide. check here for vim setup
If you prefer, please use: astyle -t4 -A4 -y file_to_convert before to push
VERSIONING Sequence-based identifiers, vr. First public release: v1r0
INSTALL After installing dependences (see INSTALL), just make
USAGE Please visit our wikipage (internal use only)

The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is an extended Astroparticle Observatory at global scale. It is mainly oriented to basic research on three branches of Astroparticle physics: the Extreme Universe, Space Weather phenomena, and Atmospheric Radiation at ground level.


Please follow this simple instructions.


You just need a working ROOT installation (ROOT v 5.34.36 or higher is the recommended version). Then you just execute make at the main directory:


It will create the ${LAGO_EASY} environment variable and modify the $HOME/.bashrc file. Please source it again before to continue.

Please report any installation problems please email us.


Modifying geometry

The detector geometry is defined in the src/Constants.h file. A symbolink link named configs.h is provided. To modify just edit this file:

vim configs.h

and modify it by changing the values of STATION_RADIUS, STATION_HEIGHT and the number and position of PMTs (NPM X_PM and Y_PM). For example, for one of our detectors deployed at the LAGO Bariloche site, the configuring block is:

const double STATION_RADIUS     = 0.78; //(m)
const double STATION_HEIGHT     = 1.54; //(m)
const int  NPM                  = 1;
const double X_PM[NPM]          = {0.}; // (0,0) is the center of the tank roof
const double Y_PM[NPM]          = {0.}; // (0,0) is the center of the tank roof
const double RAD_PM             = .1477;//(m)
const double HC_PM              = .0776;//(m)
const double TOP_FACT           = 1.;  //white top

If you change detector geometry, you will need to recompile the whole package. Just execute make at the parent directory:

 cd ${LAGO_EASY}/src


The simulation execution is governed by the default.inp file. Just edit if following the examples given in that file. It is straightforward. Please be sure to be in CALIB mode (SHOWER mode is deactivated in LAGO code). Then, for run the simulation just use

make run

in the parent directory. It will provide a .root file with a specific name depending on the parameters defined in the default.inp file. It is then converted into ASCII, extracting the FADC traces, producing a .dat ASCII file.

Data analysis

The output data is quite simple. In the resulting ASCII file, the expected ADC values for the first 100 temporal bins of the FADC traces (~2.5 us) are given for each injected particle. A simple awk script to produce a charge histogram could be:

cd ${LAGO_EASY}/sim
for i in *.dat; do 
	u=$(basename $i .dat)
	echo $i
	awk '{t[$1]+=$4}END{for (i in t) {print t[i] }}'  $i | sort -n | uniq -c | awk '{if ($2) {print $2,$1}}' > $u.hst

producing a file containing a two column file: charge counts.


We include three leves of data and binary cleaning:

make clean		# clean binaries and libraries
make simclean   # erase simulated data from previous runs
make fullclean  # executes clean and simclean directives 

Additional package

Two additional tools, Trace and TraceCubic are included. It can be used to calculate the trace lenght distribution of muons going thought a cylindrical or rectangular (even cubic) detector. To configure it, two blocks inside the main code should be modified. So:

vim src/

and then, modify these two blocks according to your needs:

// config
const double deg2rad  = M_PI / 180.;
const double rad2deg  = 180. / M_PI;
const bool   internal = true; // use internal generator (true) or read muons from external file
const bool   extSeeds = true;  // use rand() to generate the seeds or just set them as -1
const double muons    =  1e6;  // number of showers to generate if internal is enabled
const double units    =  10.;  // in milimeters


// guane-3
const double tankR = 515 / units; // detector radius
const double tankH = 500. / units; // detector height
#define MU "guane.muo" // muon crossing the detector distribution file
#define TR "guane.trc" // traces distribution file
#define DI "guane.dst" // all muons speed distribution file

Then, just compile and run Trace:


and the same for TraceCubic.


The LAGO EASY simulation suite







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