First we need to download Standard Peripheral Libraries (SPL) from STs website. You can find the code here, keep in mind you will need to make an account and log in.
After download, move it into spl
folder and unzip it.
As SPL is not compatible with SDCC (compiler we want to use) we need to patch it using STM8-SPL_SDCC_patch README. For instruction on how to do that checkout STM8-SPL_SDCC_patch README
# On Arch Linux
pacman -S sdcc
# On Ubuntu Linux
apt install sdcc
# Install stm8flash from
pacman -S git libusb pkg-config
git clone [email protected]:vdudouyt/stm8flash.git /tmp/stm8flash && make -C /tmp/stm8flash && sudo make install -C /tmp/stm8flash
The following commands can be used for compiling the code
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Code can also be compiled using the
The following command can be used to download code to board
stm8flash -c stlinkv2 -p stm8s103f3 -s flash -w compiled_code.ihx
For download
script can be used as well.
# Compile the project
# Recompile the project
./ -r
# Compile and download to board
./ -d
# Print help
./ -h
Used for downloading the code