Here is the link to the Pkgdown-Documentation for more information.
This is a early version of the package, install it from its GitHub repository. First install the remotes package.
Then install pavloviaR using the install_github
function in
tokenObject <- getAccessTokenByUsernameAndPassword("Username","Password")
token<- tokenObject$data$token
projects <- getProjectList(token)
dataList <- getTibbleOfDataDirectoryOfProject(token,150783)
mergedData <- mergeDataTibble(dataList$data)
The pavloviaR package as a whole is distributed under GPL-3 (GNU General Public License version 3).
Just contact me via PsychoPy-Discourse to collaborate on this package
I am not part of the official PsychoPy-Team. Please use this package carefully (especially the access-tokens are like passwords and should be handled with caution)