Instagram declared Scraping its data as illegal also they started changing there data format very frequently so I have decided to stop modifying this app any further. Anyone is free to fork(so that i can also use your app) this and modify it as they want.
InstaSwipe is an Instagram client for Android. It will show posts (images and videos) in fullscreen mode and will let you swipe to get to next post. You can also view others profile pic in high resolution in fullscreen. All that without logging in. It might not seem much but will be heaven for some.
Originally, this project is a "clone of Instagram" made ,using Firebase(auth,data etc), owned by Mitch Tabian. I have changed the source code to make it retrieve real Instagram data and show in the pre-built UI of this project.Pieces of UI that I used here are made/rebuilt by me.
I am not using Instagram API, because I might never get accepted to access data out of sandbox API, therefore I am retrieving data from source code of Instagram's web pages.
- View videos/images in fullscreen with swipe(to get to next) and zoom(for image only) feature.
- Can view profile pic in full screen as well.
- Browse public accounts incognito (no need to signin).
- Images once loaded, will reopen with little to no internet requirement (If you move to "low speed zone").
- You can Download pic so that you view it offline
Profile Pic in original upload quality in full screen. Ability to swipe to next pic and view image in their orinal aspect ratio. Ability to zoom and pan image in full screen. Ability to save pic on phone. Grid view to view offline and downloaded pics.