DC-SDK plotting tools, such as point, line, surface drawing and some military object drawing.
Tips:This SDK is JS+GIS framework package. Developers need to have some front-end technology and GIS related technology
<!--Basic Package-->
<script src="libs/dc-sdk/dc.base.min.js"></script>
<!--Core Package-->
<script src="libs/dc-sdk/dc.core.min.js"></script>
<!--Overlay Package-->
<script src="libs/dc-overlay/dc.overlay.min.js"></script>
<!--Plot Package-->
<script src="libs/dc-plot/dc.plot.min.js"></script>
<!--Main Style Sheet -->
<link href="libs/dc-sdk/dc.core.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
yarn add @dvgis/dc-sdk @dvgis/dc-overlay @dvgis/dc-plot
npm install @dvgis/dc-sdk @dvgis/dc-overlay @dvgis/dc-plot
import DC from 'dvgis/dc-sdk/dist/dc.base.min' //Basic Package
import DcCore from 'dvgis/dc-sdk/dist/dc.core.min' //Core Package
import DcOverlay from 'dvgis/dc-overlay/dist/dc.overlay.min' //Overlay Package
import DcPlot from 'dvgis/dc-plot/dist/dc.plot.min' //Plot Package
import 'dvgis/dc-sdk/dist/dc.core.min.css' // Main Style Sheet
// vue.config.js
const path = require('path')
const CopywebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')
const dvgisDist = './node_modules/@dvgis'
module.exports = {
// other settings
chainWebpack: config => {
config.resolve.alias.set('dvgis', path.resolve(__dirname, dvgisDist))
config.plugin('copy').use(CopywebpackPlugin, [
from: path.join(dvgisDist, 'dc-sdk/dist/resources'),
to: 'libs/dc-sdk/resources'
DC.ready(() => {
let viewer = new DC.Viewer(divId) // divId is the Id attribute value of a div node. If it is not passed in, the 3D scene cannot be initialized
1. The framework is a basic platform, completely open source, which can be modified and reconstructed by any individual or institution without our authorization.
2. A series of targeted plug-ins and tools will be added later, and an appropriate amount of open source.
3. Free and permanent use by any person or institution subject to the following conditions:
1) complete package reference;
2) reserve this copyright information in the console output
We reserve the right of final interpretation of this copyright information.