This is the official repository for paper "Generalization-Enhanced Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing".
The relevant data and code will be released after publication!
Clone the epository
git clone
We recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda to create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies. We used Python 3.8 and CUDA 11.8 for development and experiments.
conda create -n gefsod python=3.8
conda activate gefsod
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
For DIOR dataset, you can download DIOR dataset from its official website and prepare the data folder like this. Note that the JPEGImages contain all images of JPEGImages-train and JPEGImages-test.
For NWPU VHR-10 dataset, you can download it from here.The original dataset was not divided into training and validation sets. As a result, we uploaded our train/val splits in data/NWPU VHR-10 dataset/Main. The final folder layout should look like this. data
The few_shot_ann is our few-shot data splits. You can unzip the in data folder and the final layout will be look like this. few_shot_ann
├── dior
│ ├── benchmark_10shot
│ ├── benchmark_1shot
│ ├── benchmark_20shot
│ ├── benchmark_2shot
│ ├── benchmark_3shot
│ └── benchmark_5shot
└── vhr10
├── benchmark_10shot
├── benchmark_20shot
├── benchmark_3shot
└── benchmark_5shot
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
This project is released under the MIT license.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact me.