Chacob is a web application developed with Django framework.
By using this program, you will be able to search for a vet, add a pet to your account and set a reminder for your vet appointments.
More features are to come in the near future.
Please don't hesitate to contribute !
If you're on MacOS, you can install Pipenv easily with Homebrew:
$ brew install pipenv
Otherwise, refer to Pipenv documentation for instructions.
Once you installed pipenv, clone project repository and install from Pipfile:
$ pipenv install
Next, activate the Pipenv shell:
$ pipenv shell
This will spawn a new shell subprocess, which can be deactivated by using
. -
Read the Django documentation to initiate your Django project
You can set a Cron Task for the appointment reminder, using the custom django-admin command under mycalendar/management/commands/
python3 email_alert send_email
From localhost:
From project source directory, run
python runserver
Go to your browser and enter your localhost url
You can deploy on Heroku servers
- Create an account on Heroku and read the documentation
You can use several tutorials on how to deploy a Django project on Heroku, like this one from MDN : Django Deployment
Or from other IaaS, e.g. Digital Ocean