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Dockerfiles for LFE based upon the official Erlang Docker images


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Dockerfiles for LFE based upon the official Erlang Docker images

Table of Contents



LFE (Lisp Flavored Erlang) is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language and Lisp dialect built on top of Core Erlang and the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). LFE builds on top of Erlang in order to provide a Lisp syntax for writing distributed, fault-tolerant, soft real-time, non-stop applications. LFE also extends Erlang to support meta-programming with Lisp macros and an improved developer experience with a feature-rich REPL.


This repository provides a handful of LFE Dockerfiles based on similar Erlang docker files (available here):

  • standard (Debian, buildpack-deps based images)
  • slim (Debian based images with only what Erlang requires)
  • alpine

The most recent images are build with the latest version of LFE, but there images with older versions:

  • 2.1.1 (latest)
  • 1.3

Alpine, Slim, and Standard images are available for the supported versions:

  • 23.3, 24.3, 25.3, 26.0
  • 21.3, 22.3
  • 20.3

The LFE images are published with tags in the following format:


For example, LFE v2.1.1 running on Erlang 25.3 in an Alpine-based container would be:


Note that the Alpine image is considered the canonical one, thus the latest tag is against an Alpine image with the most recent release of LFE and Erlang. If this is what you want, than simply using either of the following will pull this down:

docker run -it lfex/lfe:latest


docker run -it lfex/lfe

Additionally, the following latest versions are also provided as a convenience:

  • lfex/lfe:latest-standard
  • lfex/lfe:latest-slim

All published LFE Docker images are available here:


Instant REPL

Running an LFE REPL in any of the provided images is as simple as the following:

docker run lfex/lfe:2.1.1-25.3-alpine
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [jit]

  (      \\     )    |   A Lisp-2+ on the Erlang VM
  |`-.._/_\\_.-':    |   Type (help) for usage info.
  |         g |_ \   |
  |        n    | |  |   Docs:
  |       a    / /   |   Source:
   \     l    |_/    |
    \   r     /      |   LFE v2.1.1 (abort with ^G)


Running Examples

Modules via CLI

Some of the LFE example modules have been compiled in these Docker images for your testing convenience. How they are run depends upon each example. For instance, here's how to run the LFE port of the classic Erlang "ring" example:

docker run lfex/lfe -pa examples/ebin -noshell -run ring main 503 50000000

Note that, because these Docker images use ENTRYPOINT, they can be run just like you run the installed lfe binary on a system, complete with command line flags. The only difference is that instead of typing lfe in the terminal, we type docker run lfex/lfe:1.3-20.3-alpine.

This will run for a while, then you'll get the expected output:

Result: 292

Another example, based on, will take quite a long while to finish:

docker run lfex/lfe:1.3-18.3-slim -pa examples/ebin -noshell -run joes-fav run-it

Interactive Modules via main

For interactive modules where you don't need the LFE prompt:

$ docker run -i lfex/lfe \
  -pa examples/ebin -noshell -run guessing-game main
Guess the number I have chosen, between 1 and 10.
Guess number: 1
Your guess is too low.
Guess number: 10
Your guess is too high.
Guess number: 5

Precompiled Modules via LFE REPL

Another pre-compiled module in the Docker images is the one demonstrating Church numerals in LFE. To use it, you just need to include the examples/ebin in the Elrang modules path:

docker run -it lfex/lfe:latest -pa examples/ebin
lfe> (church:one)
lfe> (church:get-church 10)
lfe> (church:church->int1 (church:get-church 20))

Another pre-compiled example, utilizing Erlang inboxes and message-passing:

lfe> (messenger-back:send-message (self) "Well, I was able to extend the original entry a bit, yes.")
#(#Pid<0.80.0> "Well, I was able to extend the original entry a bit, yes.")
Received message: 'Well, I was able to extend the original entry a bit, yes.'
Sending message to process <0.80.0> ...
lfe> (messenger-back:send-message (self) "And what does it say now?")
#(#Pid<0.80.0> "And what does it say now?")
Received message: 'And what does it say now?'
Sending message to process <0.80.0> ...
lfe> (messenger-back:send-message (self) "Mostly harmless.")
#(#Pid<0.80.0> "Mostly harmless.")
Received message: 'Mostly harmless.'
Sending message to process <0.80.0> ...

Then, we can flush the REPL process' inbox to see all the messages it has received:

Shell got {"Well, I was able to extend the original entry a bit, yes."}
Shell got {"And what does it say now?"}
Shell got {"Mostly harmless."}

Slurping Modules via LFE REPL

If we wanted to run one of the LFE examples that is not pre-compiled (or, as is the case for the following example, run code that is not meant to be compiled, but instead simply run in a REPL session), we can just use slurp. Here's the General Problem Solver LFE example using this approach:

docker run -it lfex/lfe
lfe> (slurp "examples/gps1.lfe")
#(ok gps1)
lfe> (gps '(son-at-home car-needs-battery have-money have-phone-book)
lfe>      '(son-at-school)
lfe>      (school-ops))
executing 'look-up-number'
executing 'telephone-shop'
executing 'tell-shop-problem'
executing 'give-shop-money'
executing 'shop-installs-battery'
executing 'drive-son-to-school'


You can also run the LFE example scripts by changing the entry point:

docker run --entrypoint=examples/sample-lfescript lfex/lfe:1.3-20.3-standard

This will give us an error, since we didn't pass it the correct argument type:

usage: examples/sample-lfescript <integer>

Now that we know what to do, thanks to the usage message, let's try again:

docker run --entrypoint=examples/sample-lfescript lfex/lfe:1.3-20.3-slim 10
factorial 10 = 3628800

Or another script example:

docker run --entrypoint=examples/sample-lfe-shellscript lfex/lfe 5
factorial 5 = 120


View license information for the software contained in this image.

User Feedback


If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us by submitting an issue:

You can also reach many of the official image maintainers via the #docker-library IRC channel on Freenode.


You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub feature issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.


Dockerfiles for LFE based upon the official Erlang Docker images







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