These instructions replicate the initial, all-Windows setup of DeepDrive. It is hacky, but it works. This will allow you to drive around GTAV using a neural network defined in Caffe's model weight format (with the one shown in the videos provided as a default). Other DL frameworks are not supported yet. There is a parallel effort to integrate with OpenAI gym in which everything is much cleaner, but this is not in a publicly releasable state. If you’d like to contribute to this, get in touch at [email protected].
Also, this does not provide depth buffer extraction as a game update recently broke the way we hook the depth buffer. It should be a relatively simple fix though.
Here we go!
- Windows 7+
- 16GB RAM
- NVIDIA GPU (ideally CUDA architecture 5.0 - however binaries for 2.0+ are provided
Note that driving performance seems to be degraded due to possible latency and/or problems from an outdated cuda architecture. The car will still stay in the lane on this AMI like 50% of the time as opposed to 90% on a local install.
TODO: Add AMI's for every region here
Make sure you use the g2.2xlarge
and select EBS optimized when launching your instance. All other settings are the defaults.
Now skip to the Running instructions
This setup has been verified on Windows 7 Home, Windows 10 Home, and Windows 2012 Server on AWS. Windows 7+ should all work. We recommend a local setup with a GPU that supports CUDA architecture 5.0 and at least 16GB of RAM.
If you want to run the environment on AWS, do the following first
- Get ec2gaming AMI - which has the video card driver and more properly configured
- In the AWS web console, choose the AWS region closest to you using the top right dropdown
- Then, in EC2, select launch instance.
- Under Community AMIs, search for ec2gaming and select one of the following:
ami-017dbf6a (us-east)
ami-8735c5c3 (us-west-1)
ami-dfefeeef (us-west-2)
ami-20175557 (eu-west-1)
ami-e47842f9 (eu-central-1)
ami-60cd6260 (ap-northeast-1)
ami-8c5b5bde (ap-southeast-1)
ami-4d9eda77 (ap-southeast-2)
- Choose the
type in order to get the GPU required to run the game. - In step four Add Storage, make sure to change the EBS size from 35GB to 500GB (GTAV is around ~80GB and we want some extra room as well).
- Don't worry about the keypair
- Open a remote desktop or nomachine connection to the machine and login as
, passwordrRmbgYum8g
- Once you log in, you’ll be asked to change the Administrator password. If you’re on Windows, you’ll need to use a Mac or Linux or a mobile client to reset the password since there’s a bug in the Windows Remote Desktop client.
- When you log in, search for disk management and open Create and format hard disk partitions
- Right click the C:\ drive and extend it to the full 500GB
Open PowerShell (click the Start Menu in the bottom left and type "PowerShell", then right click and select "Run as Administrator")
HINT: To Paste commands into Powershell, make sure you don't have anything selected. Do this by pressing enter. Then, to paste, just right-click in Powershell (don't be a left clicker!).
Windows update - AMI only
Run Windows Update and restart if neccessary. It will stay at downloading 0kbps for a few minutes while it does some other CPU stuff. Don't worry, it will eventually start to actually download. The update takes several minutes, but you can continue to install things while the update takes place.
We will be running commands that add to your PATH
, so it's a good idea to save your system PATH
and user PATH
somewhere before getting started in case you want to revert back.
Allow Powershell to install things
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install Chocolatey to use as a Windows package manager.
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Restart PowerShell
Turn off UAC
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Turn off IE ESC
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A7-37E"
If windows update has not finished yet, it's probably a good idea to stop and wait for it. Once you've restarted, continue with the following:
Get Chrome (optional)
choco install googlechrome
Install requirements (one line at a time, or in different Powershell windows if you're impatient) Note what we're installing and omit things, like git, you may already have
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco install python2
choco install git.install -yfd
choco install vcredist2013 vcredist2015
choco install autoit
Add AutoIt to your PATH
setx PATH "$env:path;C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoItX" -m
Install Vjoy
Download the installer and run it. This is locked to a known working of version of vJoySetup.exe hosted in my Google Drive. You can install from vJoy's source forge if you're feeling rebellious.
Add VJoy to your PATH
setx PATH "$env:path;C:\Program Files\vJoy\x86" -m
Restart PowerShell
Upgrade pip and add it to PATH by running the following (one line at a time)
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
setx PATH "$env:path;C:\tools\python2\Scripts" -m
setx PYTHONPATH "C:\tools\python2;C:\tools\python2\Lib;C:\tools\python2\DLLs;C:\tools\python2\Lib\lib-tk;C:\Workspace\deepdrive" -m
Install Cuda 7.5 and verify the CUDA_PATH environment variable is pointing to 7.5.
(If you reinstall the graphics driver and are running in AWS, you may need to stop and start your instance)
Install the directx sdk - This allows displaying DirectX error messages. TODO: Make this optional.
Install the Windows SDK for your version of Windows TODO: Make this optional
If you're running Windows 10, enable graphics features - (TODO: Test for SdkLayersAvailable before adding D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, so we don’t need this step)
Restart Windows
Get python scripts for installing and running the simulator
mkdir "C:\Program Files\DeepDrive"
cd "C:\Program Files\DeepDrive"
git clone
cd deepdrive
pip install -r requirements.txt
Login automatically (AWS only) - Install and enter your password into autologon to have the server logon on startup.
Install the Steam version of the game (the standalone version does not work on Windows Server 2012 as it's missing the necessary Windows Media Feature Pack). Otherwise the standalone version should work, and has the convenient --offline
flag to keep the game from updating, but currently only the Steam version is tested.
Start the game, get to the screen that says "Story Mode" on the bottom right, then close the game. (This generates our saved games folder) TODO: Automate this
For the Steam version installed in C:\ use:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GTAV_DIR", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V", "User")
For the standalone version in C:\
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GTAV_DIR", "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V", "User")
cd "C:\Program Files\DeepDrive\deepdrive"
Xbox360ce is a gamepad emulator that we will need in order to route control from vjoy to GTAV
- Close GTAV if it's open
- Open x360ce_x64.exe in th GTAV folder and choose to create
- Vjoy should then be automatically detected. Search for online settings and when it's done, click Finish
- Close xbox360ce
- Open the x360ce.ini and replace everything from
down with our config - Save the file and reopen xbox360ce_x64.exe, your config should then look like this
- To test things out, open GTAV, the "Vjoy Feeder Demo", and repoen xbox360ce - Try sliding Axis X to steer the car and Axiz Z to control the car's throttle.
- Close "Vjoy Feeder Demo" and xbox360ce_x64.exe so that GTAVController.exe can take command of the virtual joystick device.
- Also, if you ever find that your mouse behaves strangely after running the simulator, open Vjoy Feeder Demo to reset the joystick controls
- Start GTA - ProTip™ Hit alt-tab in remote desktop to control windows other than GTA - On noMachine hit windows key (command on mac) with mouse outside the game, then hit windows key again since alt-tab doesn’t work
- Hit Esc to enter the main menu -> Settings -> Graphics -> Pause Game On Focus Loss: Off
- Ensure you're using directx 11
- I use 800x600 resolution, but anything should work as it gets resized on the GPU to 227x227
- Run OBS.exe:
C:\Program Files\DeepDrive\OBS-new\rundir\OBS.exe
- Add a new Game capture source
- Select the default options and hit OK
The structure is ugly, and so is this diagram. Happy Halloween! .
cd "C:\Program Files\DeepDrive\deepdrive"
On the pre-built AMI, double-click the DeepDrive link on the desktop
(Note that things may not work the first run, as there seems to be some priming that takes place. If you don't see GTA in the OBS preview, or loading Story Mode freezes the first time, try starting things again. Also note that running will close all the processes for you, so you don't need to manually close everything by hand.)
Follow the instructions on starting OBS. Once GTA has started, refer to the following:
ProTip™ Hit alt-tab in remote desktop to control windows other than GTA - On noMachine hit windows key (command on mac) with mouse outside the game, then hit windows key again since alt-tab doesn’t work
- Load Story Mode from the start screen of GTA
- You should see something similar to this
- If you don't see the above car/location, then load the following saved game (this was downloaded into your saved games by
- Now place the camera on the hood by hitting v until you see something like this
- If you see the steering wheel, change the camera settings like so:
python --weights some.caffemodel
Where some.caffemodel is relative to C:\Program Files\DeepDrive\caffe
If you run into problems, it may be easier to see what the caffe process is doing by opening the caffe.sln
file in Visual Studio and running (without building) from there. Check the output window for logs.
To save on CPU (esp. on AWS), you can close OBS once Game2Sensor is displaying the screen. This as OBS is only used to hook the frame buffer (see Structure).
If you're using the AWS AMI, be aware that the frames the neural net gets are somehow linked to what you see via RDP / nomachine. So if you see a low frame rate, the car is likely to drive off the road since the net is acting on outdated pixels. Also, the AWS g2 machines have old K520 NVidia card which use CUDA arch 3.0. I have a feeling this hurts performance as well, as the car drives off to the right and stalls out much more frequently than on a Win7 or Win10 machine I have with a GTX 980 and 1080 respectively. The net was trained on a GTX 980 with CUDA arch 5.0. So for the best performance, using a local windows machine with GPU that supports CUDA 5.0 is the way to go.
Install Visual Studio Community 2013 (6GB)
choco install visualstudiocommunity2013
Make sure any Nuget dependencies are downloaded by right clicking the Solution in the Solution Explorer and "Enable package restore"
If you see errors like
Error 4 error LNK1104: cannot open file
Try opening Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and hitting the Restore
button in the banner that pops up in the console.
Install Boost
- Download 32 bit boost binaries from here
- Set
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("BOOST_ROOT", "C:\local\boost_1_61_0", "User")
I'd recommend installing a few things that will make development easier
choco install consolez github pycharm-community atom
Resharper for Visual Studio is also highly recommended, although it's paid-only after 30 days.
You can get installed packages with:
choco list -l