A fast high-resolution time-to-digital converter in the Red Pitaya Zynq-7010 SoC
Author: Michel Adamic [email protected]
Core frequency: 350 MHz
No. of delay line taps: 192 (configurable)
Time resolution per channel: >11 ps
Accuracy: <10 ppm
DNL: -1 to +4.5 LSB
INL: +0.5 to +8.5 LSB
Measurement range: 47.9 ms
Dead time: ~14 ns
Max speed: ~70 MS/s
Main project, containing the design of an AXI TDC core. Uses VHDL source files and 3 Vivado-configured Xilinx IPs (BRAM, BRAM Controller, AXI GPIO). Requires "MyPkg.vhd" to be included.
Vivado-created temporary project, used for packaging the TDC into an IP core.
Top level block design containing the Zynq PS and multiple TDC cores.
Clocking: AXI interconnect expects 100 MHz. This is raised by MMCME to 350 MHz for the TDC cores.
External ports: hit signal for each TDC channel.
Module "testUnit" is a square wave generator for testing and can be removed.
11-bit "trigger" signals on TDC channel IPs are optional and can be left unconnected. Used for inter-channel (START-STOP) measurements.
A TDC channel core has a generic number of taps in the delay line, which must be a multiple of 12. Default is 192.
MyPkg.vhd -> contains some useful functions
TDCServer2.c: Linux-based C program for the Zynq ARM core. Communicates with the TDC channels via "mmap" system call. Addresses are set in the Addres Editor of the TDCsystem project.
PLclock script: Contains bash commands for lowering the PL clock frequency from 125 to 100 MHz. Has to be executed before TDC implementation.
TDCgui3.mlapp: MATLAB App Designer graphical user interface application
Various figures and schematics of the TDC design, ordered hierarchically from the system down to individual component level.
IEEE paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8904850