A tools to list all exported items in scope of a Go package (somehow similar to Python dir()
go get -u github.com/m4ns0ur/gir
Make sure $GOPATH/bin
is in the path.
$ gir -h
Usage: gir [options] package[:item]
Gir shows all exported items in the package scope.
-h help
Show this help
-l list
Show as a list
-u unexported
Show unexported items as well
-v verbose
Show more verbose details (use with -list)
$ gir fmt
[Errorf, Formatter, Fprint, Fprintf, Fprintln, Fscan, Fscanf, Fscanln, GoStringer, Print, Printf, Println, Scan, ScanState, Scanf, Scanln, Scanner, Sprint, Sprintf, Sprintln, Sscan, Sscanf, Sscanln, State, Stringer, init]
$ gir fmt:Printf
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
$ gir github.com/fatih/color:Bold
const Bold Attribute