This project is a custom implementation of Apple's CoreFoundation framework intended to be used in the XEOS operating system as a base for its Objective-C library.
Actually, the project targets macOS, Linux and Windows, and should compile fine on these platforms.
Note that this implementation is NOT binary compatible with Apple's own implementation.
While the public interface is strictly identical, the private runtime functions and data structures are completely different, so don't expect them to be compatible with libraries using Apple's version of CoreFoundation.
- macOS
Use the provided xCode project, or use the provided makefile. - Linux
Use the provided makefile. - Windows
Use the provided VisualStudio project.
This implementation is designed to be safer than Apple's implementation regarding NULL
While Apple's implementation usually invokes undefined behaviour when passing NULL
pointers as CF objects, and actually crashes most of the time in such a case, this implementation does not.
All functions/methods actually checks for NULL
, and won't crash because of this.
The behaviour is much more similar to Objective-C, where it's usually valid to use nil
for objects.
The actual implementation of CFAllocator
can detect and report memory leaks.
When an allocator is destroyed (exit time for predefined allocators such as kCFAllocatorDefault
), it will report unfreed memory, providing a description for CoreFoundation objects, making it easier to spot memory leaks in a program.
As an example, the following program:
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
int main( void )
CFStringRef str;
str = CFStringCreateWithCString
"hello, world",
return 0;
Will report the following:
*** [ CoreFoundation - WARNING ]
*** Deleting an instance of CFAllocator while allocations are still active.
*** Leaking memory.
- Allocator: <CFAllocator 0x1000ac748 [ 0x0 ]> { info = 0x0 } kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
- Active records: 2
- Records:
1. <CFString 0x100202450 [ kCFAllocatorSystemDefault ]> hello, world
2. 0x1002000a0
- CFAllocator
- CFBoolean
- CFData
- CFDictionary
- CFError
- CFMutableDictionary
- CFNull
- CFNumber
- CFType (generic type methods)
- CFString (no encoding support)
- CFMutableString (no encoding support)
- CFNotificationCenter (work in progress)
This implementation obviously supports custom classes, meaning you can use it as a base for a complete project, if you need object-oriented programming style in C with reference-counted objects.
Here's an example for the public declaration of a custom CoreFoundation class:
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
typedef struct Foo * FooRef; // Opaque type for your class
CFTypeID FooGetTypeID( void ); // Returns the type ID of your class
FooRef FooCreate( CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef str ); // Creates an instance of your class
CFStringRef FooGetString( FooRef foo ); // Member method
And here's the implementation:
#include "Foo.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/__private/__CFRuntime.h>
// Member fields
struct Foo
CFRuntimeBase _base; // Mandatory first field
CFStringRef _str;
// Type ID for your class
static CFTypeID FooTypeID = 0;
// Class destructor
static void FooDestruct( FooRef foo );
// Your class
CFRuntimeClass FooClass =
"Foo", // Class name
sizeof( struct Foo ), // Instance size
NULL, // Constructor
( void ( * )( CFTypeRef ) )FooDestruct, // Destructor
NULL, // Hash
NULL, // Equality
NULL // Copy description
static void init( void ) __attribute__( ( constructor ) );
static void init( void )
// Registers the custom class
FooTypeID = CFRuntimeRegisterClass( &FooClass );
// Class destructor
static void FooDestruct( FooRef foo )
CFRelease( foo->_str );
// Returns the type ID of your class
CFTypeID FooGetTypeID( void )
return FooTypeID;
// Creates an instance of your class
FooRef FooCreate( CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef str )
struct Foo * foo;
// Creates an instance, using the type ID
foo = ( struct Foo * )CFRuntimeCreateInstance( alloc, FooTypeID );
// Member initialization
if( foo )
foo->_str = CFRetain( str );
return foo;
// Member method
CFStringRef FooGetString( FooRef foo )
return ( foo ) ? foo->_str : NULL;
XS-Labs' implementation of CoreFoundation is released under the terms of the MIT License.
Owner: Jean-David Gadina - XS-Labs
Twitter: @macmade