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Installation: Linux

Hakan Lindestaf edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 2 revisions


Start by downloading the FMOD Studio binaries from You need to register and accept the license terms.


Extract the tar.gz file (version 1.07.00 when this text was written, fmodstudioapi10700linux.tar.gz) with this command:

tar zvxf fmodstudioapi10700linux.tar.gz

Copy to user lib folder

Navigate into the folder that was just extracted

cd fmodstudioapi10700linux

and execute these commands

cp api/lowlevel/lib/armhf/libfmod*.so.7.* /usr/local/lib/
cp api/studio/lib/armhf/libfmodstudio*.so.7.* /usr/local/lib/

Note that armhf is the platform name for Raspberry Pi, change to your platform (arm, armhf, x86, x86_64). Also if the version is different then obviously change the 7 in the filename as well.

Create config for SupersonicSound with dllmap

To easily map between normal and logging version of FMOD, plus map to the correct version, you should create a SupersonicSound.dll.config text file in your binary folder with this content (for version 6, update as needed):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <dllmap dll="fmod" target="" />
  <dllmap dll="fmodstudio" target="" />
<!--  <dllmap dll="fmod" target="" />
  <dllmap dll="fmodstudio" target="" />-->

You can comment out the mapping to the Logging versions as needed and re-run your application.