A framework for maganing and visualization images and/or Regions Of Interest (ROI) recorded by an imaging system with frontend tools to visualize mosaics of images filtered by size, datetime, and morphological features.
- python
- django
- postgresql
- gunicorn
- nginx
Clone the RIMS repo and cd into it. From there follow the Digital Ocean setup instructions for Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 20.04.
Install the following extra Django management functionality via pip
$ pip install django-extensions django-mptt django-jquery django-rest-framework django-cors-headers
Make sure to incude the apps in the rims/settings.py
Then install a few further packages for the image processing routines and pretty error logging.
$ pip install opencv-python scikit-image loguru
Tell gunicorn to automatically reload upon edit by changing ExecStart
in etc/systemd/gunicorn.service
ExecStart=/home/rimsadmin/software/rims/rimsenv/bin/gunicorn \
--access-logfile - \
--workers 4 \
--reload \
--bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \
Run unit tests with Django's [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/testing/overview/](test features). In the ROIs directory write test models that will function in that framework:
from django.test import TestCase
from scripts.import_images_from_dir import do_import, run
# Create your tests here.
class ImportTestCase(TestCase):
run('rois/test_images', 'rois/default_proc_settings.json')
Put a small set of images into the rois/test_images
file and make sure the json settings file exists in the correct place. There are four images included in static/examples/test_images that can be used for this purpose. Currently these images will be removed each time you run the test import.
From the command line while in the database virtual environment run:
$ python manage.py test rois.tests
This command should spin up a small test database and run the import_images_form_dir.py
$ ./manage.py runscript import_images_from_dir --script-args /path/to/temp/image_directory /path/to/processing/settings.json
Where /path/to/temp/image_directory
is a directory of raw images to import, and /path/to/processing/settings.json
is the path to the proc_settings JSON file, typically in rois/default_proc_settings.json
Access the user interface by going to http://deeprip.shore.mbari.org/static/spcview/spcview.html#
You should see a mosaic like the one below