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Digital Signal Analysis Code DigSig - base digital signal class DigAna - uses DigSig to do analysis on data

Procedure for working with any pulses

  1. Calculate ped (digsig_calcped.C). This creates a ped file in PED/xxx_ped.txt The pedestal is by default ped0, which is the straight mean and rms of the distribution. You have to set the x-range (either samplenum or time) where there is a good pedestal region.

  2. Make the template waveforms for the fits (digsig_maketemplate.C) The bootstrap (pass 0) uses a spline fit to the data points to normalize the amplitude and start time, and generates a template waveform normalized to an amplitude of 1 and same start time for all pulses. The next pass 1 uses the template from the spline for a chi^2 fit to generate the normalized waveform. The next pass 2 uses the pass1 template for a chi^2 fit... and so on.

  3. Any analysis can now use the templates by loading up the correct pedestal and the correct template digana.SetPed0FromFile(pedfile); digana.ReadTemplate(name); An example is digsig_calctimes.C Note that you can also skip step 2 if you use a dCFD method, by setting time_method = 0 in digsig_calctimes.C

Note that we usually set the pulses to be positive-going, since that is what DigSig assumes.


Digital Signal Analysis Code







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