a tool to generate reports based on trello board lists
- git clone
$ cp config/configuration.rb.example config/configuration.rb
- fill in the values for trello_developer_public_key and trello_member_token in config/configuration.rb
- set up sql database for Card class, create 'trellocation' database in postgresql.
- go into 'sql' folder.
cd sql
psql -d trellocation -a -f create_tables.sql
$ rake console
pry> list = Trellocation::List.new(trello_list_id goes here)
pry> list.generate_output
- at the root of this project, there will be file created with the naming structure of "[previous month][current year][trello board name]_report.markdown".
$ rake console
pry> Trellocation::Report.run
- multiple reports will be generated at root of this project.