Various modules and components library created for Eeschema and Pcbnew in kicad
- 'Buck_Converter' = 12v to 5v USB Buck Converter
- 'Dual_L298N_H_Bridge' = L298N dual motor controller module
- 'HX-2S-JH10' = 10A 2s li-ion balance and charge protection
- 'HX-2S-JH20' = 12A 2s li-ion balance and charge protection
- 'Level_Shifter' = Bi-directional 4 channel level shifter
- 'Li_Ion_Protection' = 2A li-ion charge protection
- 'TP4056' = mini USB Li-ion charger module
- 'TP4056_2' = mini USB Li-ion charger module(2)
- '2004_LCD_DISPLAY' = 20 x 4 16 pin LCD display
- 'ANALOGUE_VU_DISPLAY' = Analogue voltmeter
- 'PIR_SENSOR' = PIR sensor module
- 'PUSH_BUTTON' = Momentary push button
- 'RTC_DS3231' = RTC DS3231 real time clock module
- 'BME280_module' = BME280 temperature humidity pressure module
- '2N7000' = 2N7000 N-channel mosfet in TO-92 package
- 'GY-NEO6MV2' = GY-NEO6MV2 ublox GPS module
- 'HC-12' = HC-12 wireless serial communication module