The component based development training focuses on 3 areas:
Building components in Twig using a living styleguide.
Prepping Drupal for component integration.
Integrate components with Drupal.
During this training we will be using many of the popular front-end tools such as NodeJS, NVM, NPM, Gulp, and others. Although it is recommended you have these tools installed and in functioning state, the only one that is ultimately required to be installed is NVM. Follow the instructions below for installing and configuring NVM in your local environment. The rest of the tools will be installed as we work with our theme during training.
NOTE: This is a full class and assistance with your local environment may be limited.
The instructions provided with each tool are optional but recommended. Feel free to improvise.
Laptop computer (mac preferred)
Homebrew: Package manager for OSx (optional)
- NVM: To manage version of Node across projects.
First Exercise: Create a new theme