Zombie (Z)
- Can move to and capture pieces on any of the three adjoining squares in front of the Zombie (that is, facing upwards for white and downwards for black).
- Can perform a leaping attack, capturing the piece on the square two squares away in any of those three directions, provided that there is an enemy piece there that can be legally captured.
- Once the Zombie reaches the back row (the top row for white, the bottom row for black), it can no longer make any moves.
Builder (B)
- Can move and capture on any of the 8 adjoining squares.
- Can build walls on any of the 8 adjoining squares as long as there is nothing occupying that square. The builder does this without moving.
Jester (J)
- Can move to any of the 8 adjoining squares, but it cannot capture any pieces.
- Can convert an enemy piece to its own side by moving to a square occupied by an enemy piece.
- Cannot convert a piece that is protected by a wall.
Miner (M)
- Can move and capture on any of the 8 adjoining squares.
- Can destroy walls by moving to a square occupied by a wall.
- Once a wall is destroyed, the Miner cannot move any further on that turn.
Sentinel (S)
- Can move to any square along a straight line in any direction, but it cannot jump over other pieces.
- Can capture any enemy piece that is on the square it moves to.
Catapult (C)
- Can move to any square along a straight line in any direction, but it cannot jump over other pieces.
- Can capture any enemy piece that is on the square it moves to.
- Can destroy walls by moving to a square occupied by a wall. Once a wall is destroyed, the Catapult cannot move any further on that turn. Dragon (D)
- Can move to any square along a straight line in any direction, including jumping over other pieces.
- Can capture any enemy piece that is on the square it moves to.