This Module is Ralph Slooten's axllent/silverstripe-image-optimiser with a module to generate WebP images of all optimized images.
This module automatically optimise, compress and generates an WebP images from both uploaded as well as any resampled (cropped, scaled etc) images in SilverStripe.
Images (JPG, PNG & GIF) are automatically optimised, provided you have the correct binaries installed (see "Installation" below) and it also generates WebP images for all optimized and compressed (JPG & PNG) images. It also adds More Information about webp images
The module overrides the default FlysystemAssetStore
to first optimise the image
before adding the image to the store, then if the image is a JPG or PNG it will create a WebP image. It works transparently.
- silverstripe/silverstripe-framework ^4.2
- spatie/image-optimizer
- rosell-dk/webp-convert
- JpegOptim, Optipng, Pngquant 2 & Gifsicle binaries (see below)
- vips, imagick, gmagick, GDLib with webp Extension (see WebP creation tools)
The module uses spatie/image-optimizer and will use the following optimisers if they are both present and in your default path on your system:
The module uses rosell-dk/webp-convert to generate WebP images. The library can convert using the following methods:
- vips (using Vips PHP extension)
- imagick (using Imagick PHP extension)
- gmagick (using Gmagick PHP extension)
- gd (using the Gd PHP extension)
composer require showpro/silverstripe-seo-images
sudo apt-get install jpegoptim optipng pngquant gifsicle
apk add jpegoptim optipng pngquant gifsicle
Assuming you have the necessary binaries installed, it should "just work" with the default settings once you have flushed your SilverStripe installation.