Gainesville FL, 311 Response and Workload
Current: Revision
Next: Supervised Learning
Windows 8.1-10, Linux
broom, choroplethr, dplyr, forcats, ggplot2, gridExtra, ggmap, hrbrthemes, htmlwidgets, janitor, magrittr, lubridate, leaflet, magrittr maptools, purrr, sp, sf, reshape2, rgdal, raster, rgeos, readr, tidycensus, tidyverse, tigris, tmap, tmaptools, usmap, viridisLite, viridis
Mihir Patel
Dr. Hagen Loni, Assistant Professor, USF
Dr. Thomas Keller, Research, USF
Mr. William (Alex) Webb, Doctor of Philosophy, USF
Ms. Amy Bryant, Masters, USF
311 & SAIL Team