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A microservice backend for an API to access Department for Education Learning Records Service data. (bootstrapped 2025-01-06)


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The hmpps-learner-records-api retrieves Unique Learner Number (ULN) and Personal Learning Record (PLR) for matching individuals from the Learning Records Service (LRS) data held by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) at Department for Education (DfE).

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This service runs on:

  • Local: http://localhost:8080
  • Dev:


This endpoint is to search for learners by their demographic information. The search may yield varied results, such as an exact match or possible matches. The response contains a ULN for each learner found, which may be used on another endpoint to retrieve their respective PLNs.

How it works:

The controller LearnersResource accepts a request with a json body taking the form of our model FindLearnerByDemographicRequest.

Example json for use with wiremock (local)

  "givenName": "Test_Possible_Match_Two_Learners",
  "familyName": "some_name",
  "dateOfBirth": "2022-02-02",
  "gender": "1",
  "lastKnownPostCode": "1234"

Example json for use with Dev API

  "givenName": "Darcie",
  "familyName": "Tucker",
  "dateOfBirth": "1976-08-16",
  "gender": "2",
  "lastKnownPostCode": "CV49EE"

The model asserts correct inputs for the request body using validation annotations and correct datatypes. In the event that inputs are malformed, error handlers will catch this and return a 400 Bad Request.

In the case that the request is accepted, the controller will then call a service object LRSService to handle interfacing the LRS API.

The service LRSService has a method called findLearner which accepts a single argument of type FindLearnerByDemographicsRequest.

The service has an instance of retrofit which provides a way to interface with the LRS API.

retrofit along with JAXBConverter, the models under the models.lrsapi package, and the interface LRSApiServiceInterface handles all the heavy lifting when it comes to parsing XML responses from the LRS API.

When findLearner is called, retrofit is used to make a call to the LRS API. The service returns the response as a model FindLearnerResponse.

The controller parses this into json and responds with that to the user.


The /plr endpoint is used to request a Learner's learning events by their Unique Learner Number (ULN).

Generally when using a valid ULN there should be no issues with this request, but there are a few possible responses.

  • Exact Match
  • Linked Learner Match
  • Learner opted to not share data
  • Learner could not be verified

Example JSON Body

  "givenName": "Connor",
  "familyName": "Carroll",
  "uln": "4444599390"

Example JSON Response

  "responseCode": "WSRC0004",
  "foundUln": "6936002314",
  "incomingUln": "4444599390",
  "learnerRecord": [
      "id": "1234",
      "achievementProviderUkprn": "11111112",
      "achievementProviderName": "PRIMARY SCHOOL",
      "awardingOrganisationName": "UNKNOWN",
      "qualificationType": "NVQ/GNVQ Key Skills Unit",
      "subjectCode": "1000123A",
      "achievementAwardDate": "2010-01-01",
      "credits": "0",
      "source": "ILR",
      "dateLoaded": "2012-05-31 16:47:04",
      "underDataChallenge": "N",
      "level": "",
      "status": "F",
      "subject": "Key Skills",
      "grade": "9999999999",
      "awardingOrganisationUkprn": "UNKNWN",
      "collectionType": "W",
      "returnNumber": "02",
      "participationStartDate": "2010-09-01",
      "participationEndDate": "2010-09-26"

API Documentation

API documentation is available here - http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

Running the application while developing

Environment Variables

Secrets are stored in the .env file for Local .env.local and Development .env.development. Ask a member of the Development team for the values for these fields place it in the root project directory.


LRS Connection Certificate

In order to make a connection to the LRS Development environment (achieved when using the development profile) you will require the relevant certificate.

Details for acquiring this certificate can be found here.

Once downloaded, add the WebServiceClientCert.pfx to the root project directory.

Starting the service

Insert these two lines into the Dockerfile if running locally (as well as ensuring you have the SSL Certificate in the root directory):

COPY WebServiceClientCert.pfx /app/WebServiceClientCert.pfx
RUN ls -la /app/WebServiceClientCert.pfx

Use the docker compose file to start the services - HMPPS-Auth, Wiremock for mocking LRS API Response and this microservice.


docker-compose down
docker-compose --profile=<local/development> --env-file .env.<dev/local> up --build

As mentioned before there are two profiles.

local will run:

  1. HMPPS-Auth - Use the guidance here to get the access_token from the local instance of hmpps-auth.
  2. Wiremock API
  3. This Service

Or development will run:

  1. This Service

Instead of the wiremock API, this profile will attempt connection to the LRS Dev environment. This profile will also require you to connect to the hmpps-auth Dev environment.

Follow the guidance here to get the access_token from the hmpps-auth Dev environment.


docker-compose --profile=local --env-file .env.local up --build


docker-compose --profile=development --env-file .env.development up --build

Running tests:

Ensure no docker services are running as there may be port collisions.

Testing in a terminal:

Open a terminal either in IntelliJ or in a separate window, ensuring you are in the repo directory.

Either ensure that you have set the environment variables above or if you would prefer not to set them, you can prefix the command with the following:


Run the following command:

./gradlew test

Testing using IntelliJ:

If you encounter issues, make sure gradle is set up properly in IntelliJ for this project.

First, right-click the test package and select run ‘Tests in ‘hmpps-temp…’ This will run tests, and you will notice they will fail.

Next, in the top right corner of IntelliJ, to the left of the green play button, click the dropdown and then select Edit Configurations.

Select the ‘hmpps-learner-records-api.test’ configuration, ensure that Run is populated with :test, the gradle project is kotlin-template-experimental-lrs and the environment variables, mentioned above, are also set here. Click Apply then OK.

Again, right click the test package and select `run ‘Tests in ‘hmpps-temp…’ - They should now be running in IntelliJ.

Other steps may be required to enable debugging within IntelliJ.


A microservice backend for an API to access Department for Education Learning Records Service data. (bootstrapped 2025-01-06)




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