Spam protection for .Net forms
This project was inspired by CFFormProtect. Currently only two tests are implemented: a hidden form field and ProjectHoneypot. These two tests are surprisingly effective in stopping most spam, however.
Available on
- Hidden form field
- Project Honey Pot HTTP Blacklist check (
- Time difference: set minimum and maximum amount of time for form to be submitted. This would catch bots that submit inhumanly fast and also bots that cache submitted data.
- Spam strings: search for specific strings in the request to block. Not an ideal way to stop spam, but can be used in a pinch to stop particular annoying messages if not caught by other methods.
var formProtect = new FormProtectNet.FormProtect
ProjectHoneypotApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProjectHoneypotApiKey"]
See Project Honey Pot for more information about getting an API key.
var formProtectResult = formProtect.Verify(Request);
if (formProtectResult.IsSpam)
// Ignore or log the request
// Process the request