- It's the heart of the operating system.
- Interact with the hardware.
- Management of the memory, task scheduling and file management.
Simple Shell
- The simple_shell its a command interpretet that communicate with the operating system.
- Translates commands typed and convert it into a computer lenguage.
- Interface between a user and the operating system.
Commands and Utilities
- Several commands as ls, pwd, cd, etc that come along with some options.
Files and Directories
- Files organized into directories.
- Display a prompt and wait for the user to type a command. A command line always ends with a new line.
- The prompt is displayed again each time a command has been executed.
- The command lines are simple, no semicolons, no pipes, no redirections or any other advanced features.
- The command lines are made only of one word. No arguments will be passed to programs.
- If an executable cannot be found, print an error message and display the prompt again.
- You have to handle the “end of file” condition (Ctrl+D)
- handle special characters : ", ', `, , *, &, #.
- Implement the exit built-in, that exits the shell.
- Implement the env built-in, that prints the current environment.
-First of all, you should clone the repository of simple_shell from this link.
- Once you have the files of the simple_shell you must compile it with GCC.
- gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
- Finally to execute the simple_shell you must to use "./hsh".
- ./hsh
- main |
- bigshell.c |
- 'Entry point of the program.' |
- checkinfo |
- checkstr.c |
- 'Check the information enter by the user and look for commands' |
- new_command |
- checkstr.c |
- 'Create a duplicate process for the new command' |
- maintoken |
- checkstr.c |
- 'Work with token functions allowing access in different parts of code' |
- divtokens |
- checkstr.c |
- 'Split the string in an array of tokens' |
- numtoken |
- checkstr.c |
- 'Counts tokens in the passed string.' |
- lookpath |
- directory.c |
- 'looks for the path of the program' |
- lookenvpath |
- directory.c |
- 'Look for environmental variable' |
- divpath |
- directory.c |
- 'Split the path string as array of path directories' |
- lookdir |
- directory.c |
- 'Check in directories of pathtokens for the command' |
- strpath |
- directory.c |
- 'Join path directory string with command string' |
- changedir |
- inc_funct.c |
- 'Change CWD to the parameter in cd, no parameter change HOME' |
- varenv |
- inc_funct.c |
- 'Print environment variables' |
- free_exit |
- inc_funct.c |
- 'Exit after free allocated resources' |
- intfunct_exe |
- inc_funct.c |
- 'Lookup for function needed to execute' |
- intfunct |
- inc_funct.c |
- 'Lookup for builtin functions' |
- wrtnum |
- aux_funct.c |
- 'Write a number' |
- _strdup |
- aux_funct.c |
- 'Copy a string' |
- printfun |
- aux_funct.c |
- 'Print string by character' |
- _put_char |
- aux_funct.c |
- 'Writes a character to stdout' |
- _strcmp |
- aux_funct.c |
- 'Compare two strings' |
- freestr |
- aux_funct1.c |
- 'Free pointers to a string' |
- freeptr |
- aux_funct1.c |
- 'Free double pointer variables' |
- wrterrex |
- aux_funct1.c |
- 'Write exec errors' |
- wrterror |
- aux_funct1.c |
- 'Write message error when command is not found' |
- _strlen |
- aux_funct1.c |
- 'Function that return the lenght of a string' |
- ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
- pwd [OPTION]...
- cat [OPTION]... [FILE]...
- The Syscall is the way in wich a computer request a service from the kernel, of the operating system.
- exit() |
- 'terminates the calling process "immediately"' |
- fork() |
- 'Create a process ' |
- wait() |
- 'Wait for a single object ' |
- read() |
- 'Read a file' |
- write() |
- 'Write a file ' |
- close() |
- 'Close handle ' |
- chdir() |
- 'Changes the current working directory to that specified in path.' |
- execve() |
- 'Executes the program pointed to by filename' |
- signal() |
- 'System call installs a new signal handler for the signal with number signum ' |
- getpit() |
- 'Get the current process id ' |
- stat() |
- 'These functions return information about a file.' |
- What happens when you type ls -l in the shell.
./man_1_simple_shell |
Simple_shell is a command lenguage interpreter that execute commands read from the standar input or from a file . |
- Alexander Urrego - mateo-a - @mateo_a
- Sergio Quiroga - sergioq7777 - @SergioQ32400329