AS A Wild Fire Fighter I WANT to be able to find all of my resources in one application SO THAT I can be more effecient during my work duties
GIVEN the application properly operates for a given user
- WHEN I start the application
- THEN I am presented with the landing page with details about the application and the signup or login buttons
- WHEN I click on the signup button
- THEN I am redirected to the signup page to create a new account
- WHEN I enter all of the necessary fields appropriately
- THEN I am redirected to the dashboard page
- WHEN I am on the dashboard page
- THEN I am able to view top-level important information
- WHEN I click on the calendar button in the nav bar
- THEN I am redirected to the calendar page
- WHEN I click on the Links button in the nav bar
- THEN I am redirected to the Links page
- WHEN I click on the Donate button in the nav bar
- THEN I am redirected to the Donation Page
- WHEN I click on the Logout button in the nav bar
- THEN I will be logged out of the dashboard and will be redirected to the landing page with the signup and login buttons
Here are the steps in order to contribute to this project.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from 'main' before making a pull request!
- Github Link:
- Heroku Link:
Monica Yuh:
Matt Peoples:
Bryan Wienhoff:
Levi Mendyk: