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My personal config for WSL workflow




Install zsh first. Follow your distribution's instructions and make sure it exists on your system.

# fedora example
sudo dnf install zsh

All dependencies are listed in deps.json under dependencies key. There is a healthcheck script included that will check if everything is set up correctly. It's written in python so we have to init virtual environment first.

python3 -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After that run:


to see what's missing on your system. Install necessary dependencies before proceeding further.


  • WSL
  • Administrator access to powershell

How to use?

Debloat first

irm | iex


git clone [email protected]:mstarski/win-dotfiles.git ~/.config/win-dotfiles


Make sure that every asset in assets directory is properly installed in the system (i.e font).

Neovim config

Copy default env.example.lua to env.lua file to start with the default configuration

cp nvim/lua/mstarski/env.example.lua nvim/lua/mstarski/env.lua


Symlinks will make sure that every file from this repo will be linked to the proper location. Files that will be symlinked:

  • nvim directory for neovim
  • tmux.conf for tmux configuration
  • zshrc for zshell configuration
  • AutoHotkey.ahk for AutoHotkey configration
  • win-term-settings.json for Windows Terminal configuration

There are scripts provided that will do everything automatically on both systems:

./win-symlinks.ps1 # Make sure to run this one as an Administrator

Git aliases

A set of useful git aliases that can be injected like this:

git config --global include.path $(pwd)/gitalias.txt


  1. Install tmux plugin manager
  2. Install plugins via <prefix>I

Shell "distros"

  1. oh-my-zsh If you use oh my zsh as your distro set MS_OH_MY_ZSH environment variable to 1. After that install pure theme

  2. oh-my-posh If you use oh my posh as your distro set MS_OH_MY_POSH environment variable to 1.

After installing shell distro make sure to install zsh-autosuggestions plugin


If there are any secrets that have to be injected to the environment but can't be stored publicly there are 2 ways to use them in this repo:

  1. Create a secrets.zsh file in the shell directory and write your variables there. It's .gitignored and sourced automatically so it will work out of the box without commiting to the repo.

  2. Use script that will download values from the Bitwarden CLI. These secrets must be already stored encrypted to avoid pasting them in plaintext. Script will read secrets array from the deps.json, query BW for values and then put it in the ~/.secrets directory where they can be read.

Third party stuff

All the third-party stuff should be placed under .gitignored folder third-party to not pollute the repo


My personal dotfiles/config for WSL workflow






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