Machine code disassembly and IR translation library for Python using the excellent SLEIGH library from the Ghidra framework. Primarily for use in angr.
This package can be installed on Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms for recent
(3.6+) versions of both CPython and PyPy. Wheels are provided for several
configurations. You can install the latest release from PyPI using pip
pip3 install pypcode
You can also install the very latest development version from this repository
using pip
pip3 install --user git+
You can now invoke the pypcode
module from command line to translate supported
machine code to P-code from command line. Run python -m pypcode --help
usage information. See module source for examples of using pypcode as a library.
$ python -m pypcode -b x86:LE:64:default test-x64.bin
00000000/2: XOR EAX,EAX
0: CF = 0x0
1: OF = 0x0
2: EAX = EAX ^ EAX
3: RAX = zext(EAX)
4: SF = EAX s< 0x0
5: ZF = EAX == 0x0
6: unique[0x2580:4] = EAX & 0xff
7: unique[0x2590:1] = popcount(unique[0x2580:4])
8: unique[0x25a0:1] = unique[0x2590:1] & 0x1
9: PF = unique[0x25a0:1] == 0x0
00000002/2: CMP ESI,EAX
0: CF = ESI < EAX
1: OF = sborrow(ESI, EAX)
2: unique[0x5180:4] = ESI - EAX
3: SF = unique[0x5180:4] s< 0x0
4: ZF = unique[0x5180:4] == 0x0
5: unique[0x2580:4] = unique[0x5180:4] & 0xff
6: unique[0x2590:1] = popcount(unique[0x2580:4])
7: unique[0x25a0:1] = unique[0x2590:1] & 0x1
8: PF = unique[0x25a0:1] == 0x0
00000004/2: JBE 0x17
0: unique[0x18f0:1] = CF || ZF
1: if (unique[0x18f0:1]) goto ram[0x17:8]