Version 3.2.0: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|3.2.0|aar
3.2.0 (04-02-2019)
- geopackage-core version 3.2.0
- tiff version 2.0.1
- sf-geojson version 2.0.1
- sqlite-android version 3270200
- NGA Contents Id Extension
- NGA Feature Style Extension
- OGC Related Tables Extension improvements
- Feature Tile drawing and generator improvements including scaling, styles, and layering
- FeatureIndexResults id iteration option in place of reading full feature rows
- Feature Cache for memory caching feature rows in a single table
- Feature Cache Tables for memory caching feature rows from multiple single GeoPackage tables
- GeoPackage app context accessor
- Feature Row geometry type accessor
- GeoPackage creation example updates
- Upgrade to AndroidX support libraries
- gradle plugin updated to 3.3.2
- gradle version 4.10.1