Version 3.4.0: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|3.4.0|aar
3.4.0 (11-14-2019)
- compile SDK version 29
- geopackage-core version 3.4.0
- SQLite Android Bindings version 3300100
- Java 8
- Feature Index Manager catches and logs index type errors, attempts next index type
- Fixed out of bounds iteration errors on Manual Feature Query Results and Feature Index List Results
- Improved Android Bindings SQLite connection support, including read only and on demand only connections
- RTree, Feature Table Index, Metadata, and Manual Feature Query: feature query and count methods with additional arguments, nested single SQL queries
- Feature Index Manager, single nested SQL queries for features with additional query argument options
- Feature Index Results and Metadata Results id iteration shortcut to retrieve id without creating full features
- Additional connection and DAO query and count methods
- Additional user result get value and id methods
- appcompat version 1.1.0
- gradle plugin updated to 3.5.2
- gradle version 5.4.1