Version 4.0.0: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|4.0.0|aar
4.0.0 (07-14-2020)
- geopackage-core version 4.0.0
- tiff version 2.0.2
- SQLite Android Bindings version 3320300
- Community extensions decoupling and management, including class repackaging
- Contents Data Type refactor, core data types and expanded custom data type support
- DAO options to enable modifying row ids or disable column value type validation
- Distinct select statement queries and counts
- GeoPackage DAO by table methods
- Tile creation projection fix for different projections in the same unit
- SRS and Projection shortcut methods
- gradle plugin updated to 4.0.1