Name: Vivian Nguyen, UCINetId: nguyev12, ID#: 84955920
The landing page lists all the products available under their respective categories. Clicking on any product will bring the user to a product page with more information as well as the purchase form. Clicking "About Us" in the navigation bar will give the user information about the company and general information.
- You want to use PHP and MySQL database to generate the product information dynamically. The information about available products should be read from one or more tables in your database and the corresponding HTML pages describing the details of your products should be generated dynamically. You will use PHP to query your MySQL database to obtain the details of a product and generate the proper content in HTML format.
- **All product cards (image, name, price, description, weight) on the home page are retrieved from the database (TABLE PRODUCT_CARD). Individual products and their specific information are retrieved from the database (TABLE PRODUCT_DETAILS. Each product html page is generated dynamically via PHP and MySql. **
- When the user submits a form to order a product, instead of sending an email from the client-side, as you did in first assignment, the request should be sent to a server-side PHP script that stores that information in a database table. The form should be validated to prevent insertion of bad data in your database.
- All purcahse form submissions are first validated to prevent the insertion of misformatted data. If there are errors, the validation shows the users what they next to fix before moving on. If the form is error free and submitted, the data is posted to TABLE PRODUCT_ORDER.
- After successfully storing the order information in a database table, a dynamically generated confirmation page should to be displayed to the user with the details of the order.
- After a successful submission, a dynamically generated thank you/confirmation page is displayed to the user. The confirmation has product details as well as personal information such as a formatted address. For demonstration purposes only, the credit card number and ccv are shown (obviously not realistic).
- Use Ajax to make your website dynamic and interactive. Among others, you could use Ajax to assist the user with filling the order forms, e.g., when the user chooses a particular state for delivery, obtain the corresponding tax rate from the backend database to update the total price for the product dynamically, or as another example, provide auto complete capability, such as suggesting states as the user types the name of a state. You can use these files to help with this task: zip codes and tax rates. You have freedom in identifying other opportunities for using Ajax in making your website dynamic and interactive. At the very least, your website should make use of Ajax for two non-trivial features that the grader can verify.
- 1. Entering a valid postal code will auto populate the state for the user. 2. Entering a valid postal code will auto populate the tax rate for the user. 3. Entering a valid postal code will auto calculate the tax and price for the user. 4. Selecting an shipping option from the dropdown list will auto calculate shipping price into the (price+tax).