Identify and split merged hits in the CMS Pixel Tracker
Setup: (do not run any extra command from the moment you connect to fermilab/lxplus6, not lxplus-slc7)
- cd /uscms_data/d3/hichemb/princeton/project1/ (go to your home directory).
- source /cvmfs/ (or sh for bash).
- scram list (gives you list of CMSSW and check compatibility with your current architecture).
- echo $SCRAM_ARCH (outputs: 'slc6_amd64_gcc476' for me, not compatible with the CMSSW environment I want to use (10_4_0), so I change architecture).
If using CSH: Setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc6_amd64_gcc700 . If using BASH: SCRAM_ARCH=newarchictecture
- echo $SCRAM_ARCH (should output: 'slc6_amd64_gcc700').
- cmsrel CMSSW_10_4_0 (I chose this one).
- cd CMSSW_10_4_0/src
- cmsenv
- git clone
- scram b -j 8 (should get a few warnings).
- cd TrackingDstar/LambaAnalyzer/test/
Run locally (fastest, good for testing):
- cmsRun (runs on files from SingleNeutrino dataset I copied over)
To run crab jobs:
- voms-proxy-init -voms cms (use certificate, apply for grid certificate if you don't have one)
- source /cvmfs/ OR .sh (depending on what you use)
- crab submit (can change RECO file used by editing
- (once you submit crab use 'crab status…(copy command from there)' to check on status.)
The following are broken/outdated:
- may be broken (missing input data ?))
- cmsRun (outdated)
- cmsRun (outdated)
After running analyzer
hadd output1.root *.root
(add root files if you have multiple files). (for crab jobs: hadd the files in your eos directory by simply including the path everytime before filename).cp /eos/uscms/store/user/hichemb/RelValMinBias_13/crab_lambdaanalysis_relval11/190715_135818/0000/output1.root .
To copy file from eos to local dir.python output1.root output2.root
[remove duplicate lambdas (i.e. set their mass to -999) , this script can be merged with the initial python file).python output2.root
(add pixel branches, outputs ofile2.root, only first lambda with mass>0 and keeping just important stuff) [UPDATE: now you can run this script as follow:python output2.root output3.root
rather than edit the name of the output in the file everytime].python ofile2.root
(turns root file pixel info into pandas df, outputs pixelTrain.h5, can view panda file using python shell and command pandas.read_hdf("pixelTrain.h5")). [after the changes I made, run it as follow:python output3.root output3.h5
- Set up CERNBOX and SWAN.
- Import Github URL:, now you have all the need script and files.
- Go to SWAN bash terminal and run the following command
pip install --user tables
. - Connect to your lxplus account and go to directory
cd /eos/user/h/hboucham/
(where 'h' is your username first letter and 'hboucham' is your username, change accordingly). - Make a file called
using your favorite text editor (Vim obviously) and include these 2 lines:#!/bin/bash
export PYTHONPATH=$CERNBOX_HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
- When you start SWAN in the configuration setting copy the following in environment
and use Python 2 ('95a') [ very important !] and SLC7 (this option might be outdated). - Run
, if you did everything above it should run with no errors. If you get an error prompting you to import PyTables then you messed up somewhere. - Enjoy your plots.
Instructions for generating
- Login to fnal with your username. $ kinit [email protected] $ ssh [email protected]
- Open a bash shell. $ bash
- Go to your d3. $ cd /uscms_data/d3/bbonham
- Make a new directory (e.g. LambdaMC) for the MC and switch to it. $ mkdir LambdaMC $ cd LambdaMC
- Get a CMSSW release and activate the environment. $ cmsrel CMSSW_10_5_0 $ cd CMSSW_10_5_0/src $ cmsenv
- Add the MC components to CMSSW. $ git cms-addpkg Configuration/Generator
- Compile. $ scram b -j 4
- Go to the dir with example config files. $ cd Configuration/Generator/python
- Copy a config file to use as a template and give it a name (e.g. $ cp
- Edit the config file to suit your needs. $ vim
- Generate a RAW .root file and a RECO .root file with 10 events. You'll may need to alter the options below to suit your needs. $ -n 10 --mc --step GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,RAW2DIGI,RECO --conditions auto:mc --eventcontent RAWSIM,RECOSIM --datatier RAW,RECO
- Go to the dir with example config files. $ cd Configuration/Generator/python
- Run teh crab config file to submit 10 jobs with 100 events each, you can edit BOTH config files to adjust the number fo jobs and events: $crab submit
- Check for job status: $crab status -d crab_projects/crab_crab1000
- Or resubmit failed jobs: $crab resubmit -d crab_projects/crab_crab1000
- Your jobs' output should be located in your eos directory (/eos/uscms/store/user/hichemb/MinBias/ for example)
- Don't forget to change the name of the the next jobs in the config file or deleting crab_projects/crab_crab1000.