Releases: nikolajlauridsen/VoxGrab
Icon update
So purty
Icon has been added, this is a minor change, but with a large impact to the overall visual style of the program, so it's worthy of its own release
VoxGrab goes multilingual
- Multi language support
- Add country of origin to file name
Speedy Windows update
It's time for a new release, and quite a bit has happened since last time.
Threading has been implemented which means the subtitles now downloads significantly faster.
Other than that the GUI has been perked up a bit more with the addition of a progress bar.
There's good news to the Windows user! VoxGrab now comes as an easy to use executable, so everybody can play along on windows, without even having to install python (or anything for that matter), simply download the file, extract it, and run VoxGrab.exe and you're good to go.
Complete change-list
- Buttons and entry fields now locks when subtitles is being downloaded
- Multi threaded downloading has been implemented
- Progress bar added
- Executable file for windows added
- Code has been cleaned and refactored
VoxGrab beauty pageant
Added an entry field for manually typing in the directory path (or copy pasting from file mannager)
Overall face lift
No longer prints NaN (Not a Number) as status for subtitles not available, will print it as N/A (Not Available) instead
Many UI details added, improved error handling, generally more awesome
Now with an easy to use graphic interfaces, less hassle more subs!
How to use:
Put the script in the folder with the media and then execute.
- requests
- glob
- hashlib
- os
- re
- time